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S2 licensed
Good luck for the future under new name! Go get 'em in iRacing.
S2 licensed
Quote from IsaacPrice :TBH this probably is the reason you didn't prequalify

and don't help him let his head get any bigger ffs

Hahaha got me der man!

Good luck for LLM in future leagues, keep working guys!
S2 licensed
Grats to Joni, well deserved!

+1 to what Poozak said about Pitkänen.
S2 licensed
Good luck boi
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Sprints on friday and race on Saturday is probably best option.

Not gonna work cos timezones. American (at least west coast) people are still in work/school when it's already late night in for example eastern Europe.

Quote from Bmxtwins :Pls dont reset prequal as I woked hard to get the time i did

1. If you worked so hard for the time, then surely you should be able to pull a time that is very close to the time you already have done.
2. It's oval, why do you care so much about your prequal time? As we've seen before in NDR oval events, it doesn't really matter where you start from, cos the opportunity of winning the actual race is pretty much the same whether you start from P5 or P25 imo.
S2 licensed
Quote from kart-36 :piss off minifbm, iTCC or nothing. My reasoning is not of any importance, just iTCC.

iTCC South city last season, never forget.

I wouldn't mind seeing more leagues coming back, but if it's going to be iTCC, then I gotta agree with Phil. Admittedly FX3 gives some good and close racing but last season's last race kinda showed that there isn't enough interest to keep full grid through the whole season. As far as I know it's been quite a while since the last LFSCART Light season and that's why I would like to see it coming back.
S2 licensed
Quote from kart-36 :Masters of Road Cars sounds best to me, different cars each race is pure win

Does this have anything to do with the fact that u saw UF1 in calendar?
S2 licensed
Grats fellas!
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :However LX4/6 aren't very popular (probably because they actually require skills to keep yourslef in the pace, and rarely provides close racing), so I'd say it'd be a bit risky to launch one at the moment.

I personally disagree with you, Yann. IMO LX's have become more popular in pickup races (best example prolly Cargame) and I would love to see some sort of a season driven in either LX4 or LX6 (preferably probably LX4 cos it's much easier to control as somebody pointed out I think). I also believe that it would get a high attendance cos of the rareness of the league, seeing as most of the international leagues are driven with GTR's (active ones anyway). Also iirc NDR's easter event was driven with LX4 and iirc the attendance in it was pretty good eventho it wasnt announced much before the actual race. Obviously I can't speak for anybody else than myself, but I do believe that a season with LX would be popular.
S2 licensed
Quote from reigga :Cookie Racing
Round 9
Car #76 Mikko Meriluoto

ReiGGa, Mikko Meriluoto, FIN, 76, Cookie Racing

Round 9
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Show cookie monster some love!


Thanks all!
S2 licensed
Quote from reigga :Cookie Racing
Round 8
Car #76 Mikko Meriluoto

ReiGGa, Mikko Meriluoto, FIN, 76, Cookie Racing

Round 8.
S2 licensed
Quote from reigga :Cookie Racing
Round 7
Car #76 Mikko Meriluoto
Car #95 Sami Anttonen

ReiGGa, Mikko Meriluoto, FIN, 76, Cookie Racing
_coca-cola_, Sami Anttonen, FIN, 95, Cookie Racing

Updated for round 7.
S2 licensed
Quote from reigga :Team Name: Cookie Racing
Team Manager: Mikko Meriluoto / ReiGGa
Assistant Manager: Sami Anttonen / _coca-cola_
Entered Cars: 2
Starting numbers for the cars: 76, 95
License Applications for the team:
Mikko Meriluoto / ReiGGa / Male / FIN
Sami Anttonen / _coca-cola_ / Male / FIN

Updated roster.
S2 licensed
Cookie Racing
Round 7
Car #76 Mikko Meriluoto
Car #95 Sami Anttonen

ReiGGa, Mikko Meriluoto, FIN, 76, Cookie Racing
_coca-cola_, Sami Anttonen, FIN, 95, Cookie Racing
Last edited by reigga, .
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :*cough 76 cough*

I have honestly no idea what you're talking about.
S2 licensed
Skin for #76, Cookie Racing, made by our beloved swe..finnish ineX driver Teemu Iivonen, thank you very much!
Last edited by reigga, .
S2 licensed
Team Name: Cookie Racing
Team Manager (First and Last Name of the Manager and LFS License ID): Mikko Meriluoto / ReiGGa
Assistant Manager: -
Entered Cars: 1
Starting numbers for the cars: 76
License Applications for the team:
Mikko Meriluoto / ReiGGa / Male / FIN

And yes Deko, I've already been removed from meh Racing's team roster.
Last edited by reigga, . Reason : new number.
S2 licensed
teamName: Cookie Monster Racing
car: XRR
number: 94
- {reigga, Mikko Meriluoto, Finland}
S2 licensed
Grats ineX! Well deserved tho.
S2 licensed
Item A

Session of Incident (Qualifying, Race): Race
Timecode of incident (mpr time preferably, but session time acceptable): 1:41:30
Lap of incident: 116
Your Car Number: 94
Other Car(s) Involved: 77, 06 + others from behind who collect us
Brief Description of incident

77 goes for a gap in T2 on the inside, but there's just way too tight. He easily could've lift off throttle and stay behind me and pass me on next straight, but he decided to go for the risky move and this time it ended up in tears for us + the other guys who collected us.

Item B:
Session of Incident (Qualifying, Race): Race
Timecode of incident (mpr time preferably, but session time acceptable): 2:11:20
Lap of incident: 147
Your Car Number: 94
Other Car(s) Involved: 54, (57)
Brief Description of incident

54 thinks it's a good idea not to use brakes under safety car and bumps car number 57 and then 54, idk if it's cos of lag or not, drives into me when I'm next to him under safety car (reason I was next to him was cos I wanted position check) and makes me lose multiple positions (infact only 1 position but there's a car under blue flag who got ahead of me also) under SC.
Last edited by dekojester, . Reason : added item designations for aministrative purposes
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I had a look at the incidents I was really mad about (Meriluoto and Sedgwick) and while maybe they were half a car width away from where they should have been, it was really just too close racing.

I just want to forget about this "race."

I sincerely apologise our crash, which probably was my fault (yes I just looked at it). Nevertheless, I did expect you to go a tad wider and thought I had enough room there + looks like there was some lag involved too.

What comes to the race, well what can I say really. To be honest it was disgraceful and IMO something radical must be done for the rules or something similar before the actual Kyoto 500. Most of the drivers were way too aggressive (possibly I was too) seeing as the race is massively long and it's all about staying on the lead lap and at later point to work your way up.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :Session of incident: race
Lap AND Timecode of incident: 11 m 8 s, lap 11 (lfs)
Your car Number 21
Other Cars involved 94 87
Brief description of incident.

94 cuts down on 87 and causes accident

Stop protesting retardedly and actually watch the incident b4 u protest. As you can see, I fosho didnt "cut down on 87", infact I barely moved my wheel to the left at all, wheras 87 doesnt turn his wheel to the left when he's supposed to and thinks it's a good idea to keep the wheel straight and crash into me.
S2 licensed
LFS Licence Name: reigga
Real Name, Gender, Nation [in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3]: Mikko Meriluoto, Male, FIN
Preferred Car Number: 94
Team Name: meh Racing
Fulfilled Requirements: yes
S2 licensed
Your Name: Mikko Meriluoto
LFS Licence Name: reigga
Team: meh Racing
Car Number: 94