Sh**. I thought I solved this. The splits that are displayed are the splits of the driver that is passing the line.
For any reason the tool forgetts who it is looking at. The problem is when I try to get the drivers list.
I try to solve this again.
Ja natürlich brauchst du die
Mit der CPU Auslastung ist ein Problem. Ich versuche es immer noch zu optimieren, aber ich bin an gewisse Dinge gebunden. Mein Problem ist das mein Rechner sauschnell ist und ich eigentlich nicht merke wenn es viel Power braucht. Da bin ich auf euch angewiesen.
Sorry, aber ich will da keine Einstellungen machen die auf alle Auflösungen passen. Ich code stundenlang, die Einstellungen überlasse ich euch.
The new AnaGauges Configurator with some new features and bugfixes.
AND the new d3d8.dll with the new features. Be sure to activate the new things in gauges.ini to see them. Fuel is a little more exact that it needed to.
But it´s for testing.
Here the download. Just unpack where you want and start the AnaGauges Config.exe.
Some functions you can choose ( as split & laptimes ) are not implemented in AnaGauges 1.0. But soon ......
First you will be asked to set LFS folder.
With the save button you can ?.......? save it.
In the new version, I have here, the performance is much better
New in this version:
- Position like this (3/18)
- Lap like this (9/40)
- Splittimes (best Split)
- Laptime (best Lap)
- live Gap seems to need to much recources
- digital fuel and possible laps