Well... I have never used outsim. But... It is very very easy to get everyones coordinates with insim...
Lfs sends the compcar Packets in the mci Packets (max 8 players per Packet). If you Then use a simple For Loop, you can get all the Data from all Cars .
Would Look Something Like that in Python:
For Car in mci.info:
PlayerID = Car.PLID
xCoord = Car.X
yCoord = Car.Y
Speed = Car.Speed
Then you can For example Store the stuff in an Array or dictionary or smth.
Yes, thats easily accessable with pyinsim. Ever used Python before? Then it should be possible quite easily for you. U good at math with vectors? Then it should be also easy For you to calculate the distance in the coordinate system. Look at insim.py and func.py in the insim library, they will Help you!
If you still need Help, reply on this Threads again.
Well... Thats with fz5, right? I noticed that on my Laptop too - it should be a Rev bouncer, But For some reason it on some PC Just Turns Off the engine...
I will fix it with the next Update. Sorry For the Inconvenience haha
These are some "sketches" and ideas i had. The first one would be whats show, while you are moving the hud around, the second one a cross traffic warning. These are not necessarily final or something, but I liked the idea to use native lfs vehicles for warnings. FXO and RB4 look quite good for that i think.
As I opened this thread I feel obligated to comment now as well :
Exactly what i was talking about! Thank you so much for the update Scawen. That makes waiting a lot easier as we now know whats happening behind the scenes .
Keep up the awesome work, and as the others said, we know its not easy but you'll keep this game just as awesome as it's always been - or even more...
I know you have to see lots of messages like that. But I really think it would be great if you can keep us up to date with your progress on the graphics update. It's been so many years now that we are waiting for the update and at least a little note á la "Next progress report will be out in within two months" or "graphics update test patch will be the next available update this year" would make a huge difference to our patience .
I know, that you probably are not able to tell us an exact date or even months when it will be finished, but if possibly in any way, please keep us updated and tell us whats left before you can publish the first beta. I know so many active players that don't even believe you are still working on it - and thats so sad because i think it will be awesome when you release the new graphics.
Thank you for the work you put into this game - especially how you listened to your community concerning the mods update and the bugfixing afterwards. I think most users really really appreciate that!
Let us get a little more involved and keep the hype up .
Hey everyone. Stupid question from someone who has not a particularly high amount of skill in programming:
I am trying to figure out how to send autocross objects to LFS with python 3. I got everything else to work with byte stuff (car data, message handling, and so on), but I cannot figure out how to send autocross objects.
I've done basically everything but working with layouts so far, so I looked at the old examples, but I have no idea how that would work with the python 3 branch.
Firstly, ObjectInfo takes only two arguments, data and index, which is not a big deal I think i can figure that one out, but if I try to make that work I get this error:
self.X, self.Y, self.Zbyte, self.Flags, self.Index, self.Heading = self.pack_s.unpack(data[index:index+8])
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'tuple'
And I have no idea how to make a tuple a byte thingy .
Obviously only if anyone is bored enough haha, but it would be awesome if somebody could provide me with a newer little example with python 3.
Thank you
PS: Thank you for creating pyinsim in the first place, it was a huge help getting into programming with LFS and I was able to realize really cool projects.
Hey! I do not know what may cause that. Vjoy is not a program by me. Maybe your wheel driver is somehow not compatible. If nothing helps, maybe consider un/reinstalling vjoy or your wheel driver .
Do you also get the "Emergency Brake" text? That is only sent when my program at least tries to press the brake button. If not, have you tried starting my program as admin? Maybe windows won't allow its inputs otherwise.