I update because new car has same name with old mod. Files conflict, so i update this car 21 time but idk is it fixed or not ?
Because i dont know how many updates on old car. I dont have old files.
I think slick tires should be removed and with r1,r2 tires, the car roll over most corners. ( with the r1 tire, its roll over on the straight roads too )
Or I leave it to you, what do you think is this suspension?
I think we'll know from this that it's not a double wishbone or macpherson. Since there is no other suspension left, linear is also very simple, so I installed a railling arm. Actually looks like macpherson but i dont think so
I don't own this car in real life or I haven't looked into it very closely, if anyone has this car in real life and knows about the stock suspensions, it would be nice if it could help.