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S3 licensed
dawesdust_12 somebody asking something to you little fat kid? NO then shut up My country is not stone age But you are sad because you are little fat kid who dont know how do drive and race I dont care go and hang up youself funny kid
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Its not a problem to me when some people play S1 for fun. And its not funny to me play stoneage S1. Play S1 or die, i dont care man really Yes and you go back under you rock and never come out !!! Funny Kid
S3 licensed
You understand what i talking Or not? Are you Turkey e.M ???
S3 licensed
I dont whine and you may laughing what you want,i really dont care what you think or what you laughing. I talk what i mean and i sayd it ! Really its not good play s1 when people wait very much s3 what is the point? Good old times? We need upgrades. Understand? Not go back stone age.
S3 licensed
Its not my problem !!! I know all starts begin a S1 but now is S2 and people wait very much S3. I play lfs before when i buy an s2 but i am not played this game 6 years I think 4 years 100% or more. But i talk really i really dont miss this game like s1 or smthing like this

"very pleased to could play again one of the first versions we played."

Sorry but people wait and wanna s3 not ugly s1 !!!!
S3 licensed
Upload now s3 and remove this very old prehistoric s1 !!! I even dont wanna try it !!!
S3 licensed
S3 When are you coming??? Tell me do anything ...
calm down people !!!
S3 licensed
I do not understand why people argue and insult each other in this thread. That's nice to finally have to wait for updates, and I think that we should be nice this time to wait This is certainly not over the years, I think the maximum for a few months yet and we are playing something incredibly real. We look forward to a little more and to suffer, believe me, this thing is worth it I understand the instance of LFS team, it's not at all an easy task to get the car and managed as real as possible. The thing is well worth the wait. Strength and stamina, and look forward to!
S3 licensed
i was just watching on youtube rfactor and rfactor 2 videos. Hmm..the car handling and moving is not like it is in LFS. Little bit fail handling not realistic at all. Few months ago i was trying to play rfactor but maximum 2 days and i reinstall this game. LFS is 1000x better.Lfs is not just better then rfactor - LFS is nr 1 Car Simulator game ever made ! I hope maybe sometimes lfs had rain and when car crash the damage was more realistic i mean high speed crash and body destroy.But psychiks is all the bes in the world in LFS. And these 3 man`s (Scawen Roberts - Eric Bailey - Victor van Vlaardingen are Genius. Dream come true
Very good to see some news about progress
S3 licensed
Thank you so much Scawen to tell us whats going on. I understand it`s not easy work at all, when you want make so realistic psychis then it take`s time and sometimes much time.
I BELIVE WHEN IT`S READY - Then its so good and unbeliveble realistic.

It`s worth to wait i am very sure !!!

Help me!!!
S3 licensed
I HAVE Z28 but is there any tweak or something what change car modifikations,engine,tires and more more stuff.
Before i dont have any problems whit that,but two last patches (25,28) make problems all time.
i dont know when i am stupid but i cant find tweaks on z28 ??????????

Please help somebody when somebody knows about that wheere i can found it or smth

tnx u all
S3 licensed
Please help me. I have z25 but no tweak dont work..
before z25 it work very niec but now almoust 2 weeks i look and see but i dont found tweak what work on z25
this post what is here to download tweak 3 is for z20 version and dont work ...
Please when somebody knows how it work or where i cet download then i am very happy,and thankful.
When i open tweak (tweak 3) and select xrg then the number and car information ( v or flat ,turbo or torgue jne jne ) then there is no right numbers,some strange numbers,and nothing work.
It very big problem for me,because i want drive with tweak,expleciali now when car is abs
Please somebody help me !!!
S3 licensed
I installed new z25 but where i get tweak??? i dont find tweak what work in z25 . Please help and post link where i can download z25 tweak what working in game...