Hi! Since a few month i live in a place with no DSL connection,so I was looking for an alternative. My search brought me to UMTS, the same system that mobile phones use to connect to the internet.
At first, i couldnt play LFS with this but after a few tweaks it worked perfectly. I was really happy but since a few days, i always disconnect, no matter what server. Its always the same procedure: I enter the server and after a few seconds, my connection bar goes right up for a few seconds, everyone laggs, my bar goes down and everything is fine. This repeats every 7 seconds and after 10 laggs i disconnect. Could this issue be because of my UMTS connection or could there be other reasons?
My Ping to most servers is about 110ms which is okay,i guess.
I would build a shrine for whoever helps me to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance