Uh I'm a bit confused about the sectors ... I dont know what u mean under sector. Could you givem me an exampla about your meaning ? Because I cant uderstand how to realize ...
The drift score box is closing the drift points to showing but after contiunue scoring the drift without resetting the score before the split1 . So its looks like that resseting the score but truly not . . .
Any other advice will be nice ... I want this code to be workable for long time but no solution yet.
An idea : subonsplit1 = driftresetscore like someting like that ....
The code is working great but it has an error. The reason is that if I use knobly tyre and Im spectated for this after changing to normal tyres the lapper spectate me too for knobly tyres. But how ? Normal is not = with knobly tyres !
I would like to ask , that what insim is used in a lot of server which shows the driftpoint and angle in real time. I use LFSLapper but it has so big delay between showing ... There is anybody, who could give advice in lapper to show in real time the scoring and angle like on Lislon Drift S2 Server ?
I know its a quiet stupid question but there is anybody who could make a tutorial how to make "roads in air and other" because i cant do that ! THX a lot all the best !
IF ($TFR == "TYRE_KNOBBLY" ) THEN cmdLFS( "/spec " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") ); privRcm( "You have been spectated for using ^1Knobbly ^8tyres"); privRcm( "Please change to ^4Normal ^8or ^4Super ^8tyres" );
IF ($TFL == "TYRE_KNOBBLY" ) THEN cmdLFS( "/spec " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") ); privRcm( "You have been spectated for using ^1Knobbly ^8tyres"); privRcm( "Please change to ^4Normal ^8or ^4Super ^8tyres" );
IF ($TRR == "TYRE_KNOBBLY" ) THEN cmdLFS( "/spec " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") ); privRcm( "You have been spectated for using ^1Knobbly ^8tyres"); privRcm( "Please change to ^4Normal ^8or ^4Super ^8tyres" );
IF ($TRL == "TYRE_KNOBBLY" ) THEN cmdLFS( "/spec " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") ); privRcm( "You have been spectated for using ^1Knobbly ^8tyres"); privRcm( "Please change to ^4Normal ^8or ^4Super ^8tyres" );
There is any way to that player couldn't use knobly tires ? If they are using they cant pit out until they change the tire to normal or super ... Like a handicap option
- if two players are in the same zone what we decide an automatic countdown starts with start lamps . It would be cool for twin drifting. I attached my countdown what I have just I dont know how to set to run if the 2 players iz in the zone
- a second admin panel where are the players are listed and admin could ban / kick/ spec them with a click. In ban it would be necessary to put a comment why is banned and for how much time to know server admin who is banned by which admin and for how long.
- make route chackers by lapper by the !node command. Whit this feature admins eliminate players who want to cheat at drifting by doing twice a round about.
- to make driftmeter faster, so the scoring and the angle showed in real time by command "for" and "while".
Sorry for my grammar, but I hope you understand what I wrote down !