I already did it for the FBM so it would be less work for me to do a conversion for the FO8. Unfortunately I'm quite busy for weeks now and off my skinning computer. Maybe I could give it a try next week...
OK, I need help. I can not recognize the Sponsor on the very rear on left side of the car . The one under the speedhunters logo. I know that it starts with "TURBOS..." but that's it. madmike.co.nz is down or under construction atm. Maybe someone can help?
There's no certain place where you can load skins with basic designs and no logos. Just browse this forum and you may possibly find something.
If you have something special in mind you can also use the request section to give a discription of your idea and ask someone to do it for you.
And, like Flame said, you can try it yourself- therefore the skinnig kits are extremely helpfull
Sure I don't mind the linking! I didn't realize that the skins are not available anymore since LFSDB is down. I will fix that and load an updated pack up later.
No one ever said you can do something about someone using your work...
Seems you don't want to see the point, you just want to be right and have the last word - ok there you go...
U4IK ST8, you are stating that someone has no rights on a work if third party elements like brands and logos are involved - that is not correct.
If someone develops and produces a design, regardless which (graphical) elements are used, this person DOES own this design. Means this person owns the copyrights. Simple like that! That state is absolutely not about third party copyrights being touched.
If I decide to put whatever brands together to create something (new) no one can prohibit that and this certain work is mine - the brands I used are NOT mine of course. But this still gives me the right to put a copyright mark on my work. If I release it now for public use it can happen the the owner of the brand turns up and bans the release because he sees his interests beeing bothered or the context this brand is used in harms his image. And he surely has the right to do that. But still it is my work!
The only clear and simple rule is: I must not make profit with other peoples ideas and/or work! (...without their agreement.)
I'm also skinning and I know that if I reproduce a real life race car in LFS I do own the rights for this reproduction because no one can take the time I spent on it away from me - this time and effort makes my rights. This has nothing to do with the original copyrights of the real car because I don't touch them as I do not state I invented it. And this is the reason why I started putting "do not copy or edit!" on my skins because people out there published my skins as their work several times. And no one has the right to do that, like I do not have the right to claim copyrights on eg Red Bull's logo...