paint is open couse i make a screenshot i open paint then i press ctr+ v and then the creenshot is opend in paint then ill save it in paint as a jpg so i can post it in forum..
and at the XFR paint ISNT open
they'r NOT paint...
i made it with the effect scribble in illustrator cs2...
i just wanted to make a unice way of skinning that isnt done before...
the one i'm making them fore is happy with them so i dont stop making them only improving..
i'n NOT doing it for the post count.. i dont even care about the post count..
and the skins are NOT made with paint i only upload my screenshots in paint thats why the paint is open.
and i made the skins in illustrator WITH ----EFFECTS!----
and that you guys like thos clean nicely made skins thats fine..
but the one who gave me the task to make these skins likes them very much!
and i only want a couple of tips to make them look better....
and if u dont like it OK..
i dont mind..
now PLEASE STOP calling me spammer and things couse the double post was couse my computer wasn't reacting on submit reply and when i added the XRR at it it suddenly posted it 2 times..
but i was in a hurry couse i had to go to work and had no time to edit it..
this is where the skin previews of Team Rock will be posted.
i make the skins and ill post every finished skin in this thread,
so every member or other can look at the skins.
iff u have patience ill start making it on sunday..
then i'm going to buy my new apple computer so its a lot more easy 2 work for me
so.. ill start on it on sunday