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S2 licensed
Ok thanks guys.
I will give softTH a try.

Performance should be just fine since i rarely go under 300fps
I have a Phenom II X4 coupled with a HD4890 so its fine and ready on that side.
S2 licensed
I have a question concerning multiple monitors.
I use a 1920x1080 as main screen but i still have a 15" 1024x768 laying around. I tried a few options from the settings but it doesn't seem to work on my 15", am i missing something or are my 2 screen imcompatible together?

I don't see a horizontal span option in my ati control panel... i usually extend the 15" from my main.

Thanks in advance for any support.
S2 licensed
I wanted to say a big thank you for the Z25 update.
It really feels improved and the new dashboard lights are a nice plus.
Congratulations for improving such a great sim.
S2 licensed
My gpu history:

- Matrox Millenium II 2MB
- Geforce 2 MX
- Geforce 2 GTS
- Geforce 3 TI 200 64M
- ATI Radeon 7500 64M
- Geforce 4 MX 460 64M
- ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 256M (still use that one)
- Geforce 6600GT 128M
- ATI Radeon HD2900 XT 512M

My Present:

- ATI Radeon HD4890 1GB
S2 licensed
Build mine up around 3 months ago...

OCZ Vendetta 2 + MX2
4GB DDR2 800 OCZ
SEAGATE 7200.12 500GB
LG V2261V 1920x1080
S2 licensed
Quote from Gaiajohan :I got an LG W2261V

I dont resally have problems with changing colours but i think that differs from person to person.

This monitor only cost me 179euros and it has gotten several awards in some reviews.

I have the identical LG W2261V screen, its simply brilliant in many ways.
The only caution for HD screens (1080p) on 22'', its a smaller pitch when compared to default resolutions. In other words, the physical screen is smaller then a 22"" but it has a resolution of 1920x1080 compared to 1650x1050 from the default 22"".
Personally i prefer, but many people won't like it if they already have a default 22"

If i had to buy a new screen today, i'd go for minimum 24'' and max 26", above that, i would simply buy a projector, lol

By the way, my fps on LFS is between 300 and 400fps on that screen.
I have phenom II X4 and an HD4890.
LFS is the best sim i have ever raced on
S2 licensed
Ok i see, well i will try the sequential with my gear stick then, Thanks for the tip
I have a G25 since a month or so, brilliant steering wheel. G27 is slightly improved but the price difference isn't worth it imo. I only paid 150€ for my G25 (in belgium). I would love to try the gearstick of the g27 though, supposed to be more realistic.

Thanks again for the support.
H-pattern Gearbox on XF GTR?
S2 licensed
I just purchased S2 and i love the XF GTR or XFR but it seems it only has a Sequential Gearbox setup. Is there anyway to use an H-pattern gearbox setup with this car?

Thanks in advance for the support.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ripley :Illegal !?!?!?! I really don't think so.
Why would you think that ??

I simply wasn't sure at the time i downloaded a setup, lol
S2 licensed
I'm quite new to LFS and i'm still on the demo. I'm waiting for a wheel because my ps2 joypad has its limits i guess.

Imo, even if you get the WR setup, i doubt you will do the same time with it has the driver who developed the setup. Ever driver has his own style i guess.

I have personnaly downloaded a setup from
I have tested the car with that setup and i have made changes to it after every lap i tested. I just could not drive with the original version.

As it is now, the setup i have is totally changed from the one i downloaded, i found it easier to develop my own from the downloaded setup instead of the original from the game.

I'm not really sure i understand the what the RAF data is all about though.
Also, i hope i didn't do anything illegal by trying another setup from that site? thanks for letting me know.
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :You would probably benefit from looking at the Keys section of LFS Manual.

I found it all, thanks again
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Use your F keys, they already have pre binded commands on them, F1 key is F2 is :-) F3 is good pass and F4 is good race, but there are 4 spare slots for the f5-f8 keys.......

Start lfs, go to options > game, then choose 'edit AI names / F keys > f1 to f8, then you can add your own or change them to your liking if you wish, plus you can also add your own commands for ctrl+f key and alt+f key, so loads of room to put what you want.

Excellent support, thank you
S2 licensed

I didn't mean while i'm actually driving, i simply ment, when a race is over and i want to say thanks to the other racers for the good race etc... nothing more.

Of course i'm not going to chat for hours, thats definitely not my thing.

So i guess i just need to press T then...

Thank you.
How to chat while driving?
S2 licensed
I'm new to lfs, therefore i was wondering if anybody could tell me a quick step on how to chat while driving.
I often see a few comments on the top left of the screen but i have no idea how to participate in there.
Any tip or help is appreciated.

PS: I'm using the demo with a ps2 joypad, i'm waiting for my wheel in order to purchase the S2 licence. I really love this Sim

note: whats the best time on blackwood gp with a XFG and a joypad, lol
it seems i can't go under 1.35.350...

Thanks again in advance for the support

Last edited by sfkilla, .