Great opening on the season, good clean racing, and lots of great fights Bluflaged car did a great job letting us pass
Thanx to all the admins for making it possible for us to have all this fun in this league :Handshake
hmmm .. following LFS Remote on grid2 .. some drivers taking advantage of doing shift-p when they get into serious trouble with a heavy damage car (but still able to drive the car).
The way I read the rules it was not allowed to shift-P unless you were stuck in the gravel or laying on the roof?
All Teams!
Pls tell ALL your members to read the rules from A to Ö twice!
It's all there ... and if everyone has read it Twice we all going to get a GREAT 2011 GTAL season!
Rules are crystal clear if you you can spare 30 minutes reading it all twice!
If you don't got Ö on your keyboard ... just read it A-Z!
Accepted mate
No wonder its forbidden to talk in cellphones while driving in many countries ... in Sweden it ain't, so IRM is talking while driving without any hesitations
Thanks for a GREAT event on LFS all racers and admins
car #30 hit us (#31) from behind during safety car on lap 25. Caused us to fall back from 17 to place 21. Our car also got damge in the rear from the hit.
Before that #30 had constantly hit us in the rear during the safety flag!
THANX mates for making this event a success
I was racing on server B and had a GREAT time with many thrilling fights.
Did a bad quali and started as nr 12 on the grid, but tonite i had really good pace and ended up on the podium as nr 3 (on B)
If there's any interest IRM will arrange "GTAL pre FUN-races" in the future too! Pls post a comment in this forum and tell us if you think this is a good idea!
Once again IRM want's to thank all the drivers anticipating in the event tonight
28 drivers signed up at the moment
But there's still room for additional 32 drivers (2 servers = 60 drivers) so don't hesitate if u wanna be a part of this event! Don't miss the opportunity to challenge those sturdy :crown: Swedish drivers at the FUN-race at South City on monday!
If you wanna meet us before race day i recomend you to practise at "Torsdagsrace A" (no password required at practice days)!
he he .. but I was refering to New Years Eve
That scandinavian joke was great man
30 drivers it will be then + we got 2 servers so we can hold 60 drivers!
Yepp, because we dont wanna have a bunch of drunk drivers on the track!
Soth city city council did not permit us to race on Thursday, they though it was to dangerous having 32 crazy drunk drivers on the track, all of them with a bottle of champagne in the passenger seat
SO City Police will enforce that there will be no drinking on track, so u better shape up before u leave pit guys
Im in for sure :-) This will be FUN!
The swedish signup thread is finally up friends ... i slept while Cawwa made this english thread
Don't be scared to visit the Swedish thread, it should show up in english lang if youre not familiar with our strange language
Also note that this is a individual race, no driver switch. You are also allowed to telepit during qualification.
We wanna have South City crowded with cars so tell your teammates to join this event as well
omg ... 19 cars ... 70% of the starting grid! :sick: hmmm ...........
3 hrs endurance is not a a single hotlap race ... and as i recall from the live broadcast u drove the SC one extra lap to get a clean start ...
Think all teams anticipating in this league should have a serious briefing regarding how to act on first lap ... not fair to be taken out on lap1 in a 3hr race
Life is not perfect, LFS is not ... but how fun/interesting is LIFE if u remove all the "random" stuff ...
Personally I'm waiting for random weather on LFS ... will be GREAT if it starts to rain in an 3 hr race ... endurance is not about hotlaping friends