ok i tryed both ways and it says on my computer that the usb device u have pluged in has malfunctioned and will not run proporially. and i tried the data wires both ways and neather work. the logitech software does not detect it.
ok i did it a lil diff but the diagram i found had the d+ and the d- mixed up. oh yah and when i un the profiler it doesnt connect butalso the 2 wires are switchedso imma switch them and try again.
wow its really that simple. so before i rip open the serial cable just double checking that this will make it work on windows Xp correct. edit. and 1 more thing after i do this mod i will be able to just plug it into my usb and the wingman drivers will detect it? ok i just found the other half of the cable i used to convert my xbox controller to usb. ok theres 4 wires red black white and green if u can tell me whitch is whitch on the usb because i can figure out the serial side.
ok i have the ligitech wingman formula force and im running windows xp but on windows xp it doesent support gameing devices on the serial port so if i used a usb to serial port addapter will it work maby this 1. http://cgi.ebay.com/USB-to-9-P ... ZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
^ try gamers hell for F and i wasnt going to ask him because i knew he wouldnd even help me but i wish i could figure out the veh files there so confusing.
its not a ff shifter it was made from a game pad with switches that are engaged when put into gear. theres no return sprind but i want it to stay in gear so that i can consintrade more on stering instead of holding the shifter in place.
ok i have made a homemade H shifter and in lfs i got everything setup and i have it on manual clutch but i have to hold it in gear to keep it in gear if i let go of it it goes back into nutral without me touching the clutch.