I really hope to update the LFS as it is..... I like the cars they are uniq like GTA..... You know all games have real life parts and stuff.... I prefer the unreal ones......Cars from LFS have their own history....
The first pic is not a screw...Its a nail. So i suggest what Tristian said, drill the heads of the nail and the srew and then with a plier remove (try its so rusty) the screw. the nail probably need cut
Very good video and I agree with the smooth of rotation of camera.....But it's a good one..... most latest videos are about drift LFS is a racing sim so we must see racing videos!
Sorry buddy and no prob.... We are here 2 help... So as for the convert use the DDS Converter from here-> http://www.lfs-database.com/in ... nid=92&p13_fileid=485 I use it, it's easy and very good. In data\skins I have only XX.jpeg files and in data\skins_dds... DDS So as for the name of each one of skin use the creators names..... for on-line use(that you can see them when someone else use them)
Ok GUY thanks...... Your reply helps me alot......maybe we sould disscus and for my GF too......I m waiting more from her.....Laugh as much as you want.... Its still and always be aPC GAME!!! I prefer real and i can do this here in my country..... So stay here and pay for Betas and patches...... I upgrade my car with more money and better physics.......
Yep, LFS is still the same as back then....... I remember the blinkers back in DT.04.......Hahaaaaahahahaaaa nice try
LOL I don't know its not my car...... I am demo to but there is a list of comparison for LFS cars with real life ones..... So i assume....But i agree XFG might have 15inch wheels
......I agree my friend...... Same as it have a right angle of view about cars and physics but still is far away from a real good sim......Better phrase Real Driving Simulator.....(And I can start a topic about that for not be off topic)
Sorry but the guy who makes all that have Super Duper Huge RIGHT!!!!!!! LFS is like drugs........ You stuck with this but nothing to give you...... Ok I agree that it's a very good sim but get over with that and make the next step.......All the patch updates are for insim,outsim,oversim,undersim,entersim,outofspace sim........Nothing for the sim.....as SIM!!! So, and from Eric reply on this forum (http://nismo.1g.fi/kuvat/LFS%20motivation/bestestPRevar.png)-very nice Developing one-, the LFS if nothing really new about the sim update comes on ,yep, it will be a memory.
And for the spamers and flames I am demo becuse LFS is still BETA!!!