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S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Chill,dude - it looks like that rim changer thing (check unofficial addons) and standart blackwood barriers between GP track and Rallycross track...

I might have not quite explained the layouts therory - 2nd pic has the autocross editor HUD up and it appears he can add objects and load layouts
S3 licensed
I was sure only s1/s2 racers can use bespoke plus I don't recall demo racers being able to place objects or use layout editor in the first place...
S3 licensed
Sorry, I didn't request the monza livery F2001
Quote from speed1230 :I've only found the 2005 version of the Williams and a Monza version of the F2001 (plain with black nose) via search, which isn't what I wanted

S3 licensed
Quote from Foilpact :Afaik its only on a small number of cars...

Shame, I would have loved hearing Jeremy ranting about some cars
Though it might be a waste of time, still might be funny
S3 licensed
I got a igcd banner
S3 licensed ... 21631718_42bd11b023_o.png
I'm still a bit disappointed that the wet tyre treads don't have the motion blur the sidewalls already have
S3 licensed
I just got the mp demo on psn - now availible
...But there's no server up that I can play in so I'm forever alone!

Edit: I finally found a server and it was fun! Take out for the ocassional noobs and the action was really competitive, I won all the trailblazer events and 1 out of 2 tags so far. Lots more cars are in this demo, I found a RK spyder, RT 12 and SLR as well as some XFRs and XKRs.
Unlike SP demo, shifting, boosting and ramming is limited and charge up as time goes so don't hang around in shift trying to find a good car in either of the games.
Unfortunately, there is no free roam and you cannot really create your own server unless you invite a friend in or there are no servers availible, well I guess it's that way since I haven't made my own server yet. Also, if there is no servers availible you may get kicked out back to the lobby if no one joins your server for some time (at least for me, some people are reporting they can go free roam!)
Last edited by speed1230, .
S3 licensed
Heck I never knew trackmania looked THAT good
S3 licensed
Quote from kiste :i got this at the ferarri with malboro ... aticErrorPage-470x329.jpg

Haha! Nice 404 image
Links fixed
S3 licensed
A multiplayer demo is coming out today for XBOX LIVE and tomorrow for PSN! It contains 2 modes: Trailblazer and Tag.
Trailblazer involves you following a Delorean to get points
Tag is simple, though you earn points for being "it"
No free roam or cops and robbers though
Ferrari F2001 and/or Willams BMW FW23 for BF1
S3 licensed
After playing GP4, I had a sudden "want" for the two cars. I've only found the 2005 version of the Williams and a Monza version of the F2001 (plain with black nose) via search, which isn't what I wanted
There isn't a deadline unlike the previous request though I don't want this request ending up like the thousands of undone requests.

For the F2001, you can do a tobacco and/or non tobacco version (I would prefer the NT version, though I'm happy with the tobacco version) and the number should be "1" like Michael Schumacher's car. For the FW23 the number should be like Ralf Schumacher's "5".


F2001 (NT): ... 8/rickym1981/F2001001.jpg ... 8/rickym1981/F2001003.jpg ... 8/rickym1981/F2001015.jpg ... 8/rickym1981/F2001006.jpg

(With Marlboro) ... 01_montre_2001_barr_2.jpg ... 2001_montre_2001_barr.jpg

FW23: ... illiams-bmw-f1-fw23-1.jpg ... /Williams_FW23_revell.jpg ... s/f1/williams_fw23-06.jpg
Last edited by speed1230, .
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from 664 M. Travice :There are 2 versions here. With and without decal on roof.
Few parts missed but I think it's done.
Questions? or remarks?

Just in time! Brilliant. No I'm happy with it, you should get a licence
Thanks much!
S3 licensed
Well as long as it's done fine
S3 licensed
Brilliant! When will it be finished?
Also I found a Hella logo here
Edit: Deadline reached in 2 hours
Last edited by speed1230, .
S3 licensed
haven't you seen pics from here too?:
Or checked: for logos?
Last edited by speed1230, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Myffe :And there you go

Just what I'd imagine with the original video
S3 licensed
Blimey those skins are rather nice! :eek:
S3 licensed
Yeah get this in Colleteral Collision 2!
Speaking of which I wonder when the next one is coming
S3 licensed
I can really imagine all the parts falling off the car/being smashed as it rolls around...
S3 licensed
Quote from GAVD999 :There is a similar one here :

Hmm I'll take that, guess that's close enough. Though if anyone does find the skin I can take that too.
Still need the FZR skin however
[URGENT+DEADLINE] Audi R8 LMS skin for FZR (and find lost skin for FXR)
S3 licensed
First of all I found a R8 LMS Skin for FXR a while ago but when I looked again today I noticed it was gone - does anyone have it? I think I found it here iirc

Secondly, and my actual request, is a #99 S Line Audi R8 LMS skin (same skin as the other thread) for FZR: ... news_image_1243400650.jpg ... 0/rplemma/Forums/1399.jpg ... -Racing-ADAC-24h-N_z6.jpg
There are more/better pics in that earlier posted thread if you need it.

I have searched but was unable to find anything. "R8" was too short for the search

There's a deadline for this however, I need this skin for a race which is on next Monday. Sounds rather tight but I don't think there's another date the race can be held.
Last edited by speed1230, .
S3 licensed
One funny quote after shifting:
Woman: I'm so sorry sis!
Tanner: For what?
Woman: Weren't you listening? I slept with your boy friend!

Also, I'm sure that the "jackass" car is a Pontiac Solstice?
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Try oggdropXPd, it uses libvorbis to convert files to OGG and LFS plays those fine - at least on my computer.

Hmm weird, I can't seem to convert a mp3 music with that. It always says the file type is unsupported