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Quote from Inouva :i was happily cruising till i ask "What are the car upgrades" and they told me that when you buy a new car you have it with restriction ( Intake ), my answer was "... - > disconect"

I think one of the most horrible ideas on a cruise server is use that "Car upgrades" IMHO

If mark got ride of that i will cruise some times there, if not, gona keep sticky racing on cargame

Nice to see the 2.0 after some years

After all LTC was my first s2 server

lol you got to be kidding me car upgrades
Attention to all
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wel idk where to post this but there is some one going around hacking servers with the username SantaS13 and SantaS12 he has hacked my server even when i changed the admin pass.
If you see this person on your server be aware.
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lol epic he got so happy with 1.47 on BL1
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then i think its good to wait a week.

any way im going to sleep now 5 am now
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cool is the old insim gonna be back if so then i can wait
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is the demo server gonna come back?
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how is some one gonna join if the server is private
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seen something new that i think is making me get this error.

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Quote from DarkTimes :Who said delete anything? I said to re-add the LFS_External assembly to your project. The 'obj' folder is not designed to be touched by humans, that's why I think it's a configuration issue. Right-click on the project, select Add Reference and then select the LFS_External.dll file. Once that's done, recompile it.

Of course I might be completely wrong.

sorry but didont helped got to see if some one else can help me via teamviewer
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ok thnx let me download the 2010 version

and ill tell you if it had worked
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and i hacked the 2008 now its 95 years free
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here is a pic of the but witch one i must delete

Can some one help me
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every time i change some thing in they commands list it gives me a error i changed my username and i get this

i did asked a friend of mine also he said its wierd and had to ask here maby some one knows

idk wat to do
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sweet thnx tom for putting my servers there
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i got a my own tweak server soon coming s2 tweak server that my s2 admins will manage and maby i will need some new admin on there also.
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Quote from tbofram :ya well by the look of it they have not been on the connection list for about a month (opps i guess i forgot to send insim updates)

the hoster of the server just quited WLC now there server is just gone
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its gone that server its now called [SCS]Cruise Server
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Quote from dadragon84 :Its also a cruise/drag/race server.... Im trying to see which is more popular

you must go for Tweak server i got one and people like going there
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lol i just gone to the server it has drift insim instead of cruise
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lol thats a fail how are people gonna join if the server is not in the master list of hosts.
Atleast make it that every one can see it.
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any one else willing to help me with it
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Nope didont helped.

PS. im still a biginner at coding.
i need some help
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I tried to put spec when wrong way pits but it dont works i tried MSO and also C.playername but till wont work. Can any one help me with this.

Quote : // Pit EXIT
if (((MCI.Info[i].X / 196608) <= -203) && ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) >= -65) && ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) <= -45) && (Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone == 0))
if (((MCI.Info[i].Direction / 180) < 80) || ((MCI.Info[i].Direction / 180) > 280))
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone = 1;
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6>^7 " + Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].PlayerName + " ^1was fined £200 for wrong way out of pits");
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].Cash -= 200;
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/spec " + Connections[GetConnIdx(NPL.UCID)].Username);
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6>^7 " + Connections[GetConnIdx(NPL.UCID)].PlayerName + "^7spectated wrong way pits " + NPL.CName);
if (((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) < -65) || ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) > -45))
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone = 0;

// Pit ENTRY
if (((MCI.Info[i].X / 196608) <= -203) && ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) >= -158) && ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) <= -145) && (Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone2 == 0))
if (((MCI.Info[i].Direction / 180) < 80) || ((MCI.Info[i].Direction / 180) > 280))
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone2 = 1;
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6>^7 " + Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].PlayerName + " ^1was fined £200 for wrong way in pits");
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].Cash -= 200;
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/spec " + Connections[GetConnIdx(NPL.UCID)].Username);
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6>^7 " + Connections[GetConnIdx(NPL.UCID)].PlayerName + "^7spectated wrong way pits " + NPL.CName);
if (((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) < -158) || ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) > -145))
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone2 = 0;

No longer welcome
i also tried
Quote : InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6> ^7" + C.PlayerName + "^7 was spectated for speeding!");

i need alitle more help
No longer welcome
i had MCO that didont worked and now i have NPL also dont works can some one tell me wat im doing wrong would help alot thanx

Quote : // Pit EXIT
if (((MCI.Info[i].X / 196608) <= -203) && ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) >= -65) && ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) <= -45) && (Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone == 0))
if (((MCI.Info[i].Direction / 180) < 80) || ((MCI.Info[i].Direction / 180) > 280))
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone = 1;
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6>^7 " + Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].PlayerName + " ^1was fined £200 for wrong way out of pits");
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].Cash -= 200;
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/spec " + Connections[GetConnIdx(NPL.UCID)].Username);
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6>^7 " + Connections[GetConnIdx(NPL.UCID)].PlayerName + "^7spectated wrong way pits " + NPL.CName);
if (((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) < -65) || ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) > -45))
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone = 0;

// Pit ENTRY
if (((MCI.Info[i].X / 196608) <= -203) && ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) >= -158) && ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) <= -145) && (Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone2 == 0))
if (((MCI.Info[i].Direction / 180) < 80) || ((MCI.Info[i].Direction / 180) > 280))
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone2 = 1;
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6>^7 " + Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].PlayerName + " ^1was fined £200 for wrong way in pits");
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].Cash -= 200;
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/spec " + Connections[GetConnIdx(NPL.UCID)].Username);
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6>^7 " + Connections[GetConnIdx(NPL.UCID)].PlayerName + "^7spectated wrong way pits " + NPL.CName);
if (((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) < -158) || ((MCI.Info[i].Y / 196608) > -145))
Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].IsInPitZone2 = 0;