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yeah i agree what the initial purpose of lfs was but it still doesnt justify immature response no matter how you look at it, and if you bothered to carry on reading my post you would see that i stated that there are more important things that need doing. im not a cruiser myself but seing as it has a lot users who use it soley for that purpose then they have the right to make suggestions just as any racer does, i guess you have never been taught equality

and silly statement about no-one has rights here, we all have the right to make suggestions otherwise why have a suggestions section
Demo licensed
without meaning to offend anyone its hilarious how your sarcastic comments just shows everyone how unfriendly and childish people in the community are and is something that would eventually stop people posting any ideas in fear of getting made to look daft.remember that cruisers have the same rights that you have with lfs and it dont make you lot any more important but while i agree theres plenty of other things that need doing that are more important and neccassary
id still say that it would look good if used on saftey cars , i know it isnt something important like physics but would look good when making videos and takes lfs one tiny bit towards visually looking better.
Demo licensed
il pass this information on to other racers on the demo servers for you.

good luck and happy racing
Demo licensed
while id say that the use of the idea for police cars isnt very good,i would think it could add to the experience when used on saftey cars ingame
Demo licensed
Quote from :

If you want to spend money as development team, hire an extra graphical artist like Lynce or anyone who actually does like to improve the looks of this sim and/or release new track environments. Then the community does the promotion.

i agree with in that there are people that are in the community such as lynce who's dedication and a good keen eye for detail can make the game a fresher experience and he should certainly be hired by the dev's. or if they offered him a deal such as upgrading lynces system to something sufficient enough to continue his work at a steady pace

otherwise it would eventually in time lose people willing to contribute time and energy on making big improvements like the graphics.
try a fresh lfs install with default textures then compare to lynces previous and current works then which one would people be more willing to invest in
Demo licensed
sounds like it could be a driver error,are you using the same drivers when you done a new install,if so try going for the previous versions of driver for anything like the graphics
Demo licensed
sounds like a great idea
Demo licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :It's an older, cheaper laptop with fairly poor cooling. ( sorry, wasn't trying to put it down )

Try this link for instructions to pull it apart and clean it as the issue is probably dust build up causing it to overheat. ... re-overheating-issue.html

If your not comfortable doing that then getting a techie mate or a shop to clean it should do the trick.

id only say do that as a last resort when hes exhausted any other possibilties, id suggest incase a software error itself to do a reinstallation of windows and see whats happening then, it would be easier if could get the problem code
Demo licensed
so possible corruption with windows itself, id suggest trying to restore windows either to an earlier time or a fresh installation,and if that failed then could possibly be hardware problem like bad memory
Demo licensed
also impolite if your using a cracked lfs
Demo licensed
what version of windows is it your using, if ive found the correct system specs then go here and choose the driver for your graphics or i think there is a plugin that can check for you , also download drivers from here (i had a similar problem with my old nvidia 6200 card and it only worked with the previous driver release so worth trying)

also download sound drivers if needed from here

also check if any updates in windows update

also worth trying is going to the cfg file and look for start windowed,change the 0 to 1 and see if will start
Demo licensed
have you been able to play lfs on this laptop recently and has only just started happening or is it a new laptop and first installation

also when you reboot your laptop and you get the windows has recovered message can you post the information within that,its been a while since ive seen one but i think you may need to click more information or something similar

And finally have you tried a new installation of lfs and if so did it produce the same error.

Also any help from the rest of the community would also be appreciated to help this chap with this problem as we all know theres some pc wizards here
Demo licensed
would you trust a company that shows some desperation by feeling the need to spam numerous forums with advertisments
Demo licensed
this is the wrong thread to post this in as its for programmers ect,but i understand that its done out of being desperate to get this resolved

please check your other post you done as ive answered you on that

@Moderators hes posted this problem also in the revelant section so could i suggest this one deleted thankyou
Demo licensed
check your graphics drivers are updated if thats not it then post back here and im sure that either myself or another member will be able to help more
Demo licensed
if your talking about the first rfactor then lmao,it may have tracks and cars but thats it,theres not even the slightest bit of realism in the physics so basically is just the same as playing any rubbish driving game. id rather have less cars and less tracks than have no good physics
Demo licensed
Quote from sti228 :Hi. I am from Georgia / Tbilisi. I want to buy S2 liceanse. Can i buy the game with this card ? icard I mean site support our Country Credit Cards ?

yes you can use the icard as it is actually a visa classic card
Demo licensed
Quote from Omar1 :Both of you are demo racers, how do you plan to make/use the sound?

Omar where do you see me say that i want or say that il make the files, if you read what id said you would notice that i was coax him into revealing if he wanted it making for the xrt which hence then would be proof if he was using any cracked software.

on the same note - dont be fooled by the accounts that some use on the forums, some just dont connect with there normal account details for many reasons,
Demo licensed
do you mean you want a sound making off an XRT tweaked or want one making for the XRT
Demo licensed
Quote from Rhama :MAHAHAHAHAHAHA MEGALOL OMG Are you really that naïve ? c'mon send me money now.

New patch will fix one hole, and there still are quite some holes left after that.
Speed/crash hacks won't be affected by the current patch anyhow.
You are just feeding propaganda and myths.

while im not against the use of mods on the correct servers assigned for them i find it quite irratating when on normal race servers and there is some fool using one,do you think that it would be more widely acceptable in the lfs community if all had the protection of server use implemented into them so they could only be used on certain servers(already implemented on one or two). i know that there is the CPW on lfs but we know that there is a few that dont give cpw error,
Demo licensed
off topic sorry

heres the very basic physics for a car game which then makes me understand how hard it must be to produce something like is being made at the moment for s3 and then because hes entering new terroritry once one mathamatical equation is done it can produce another 10 problematic areas which need fixing,so hats of to scawen, ... hysics%20for%20Games.html
Demo licensed
it aint a matter on who thinks what or who trust or doesnt trust,it wont help him fix the problems hes having with tyre physics,#
it may make him work harder on them but then how do you know he already isnt working hard on them and just keeps running into one problem then another when that part of the physics is fixed which then brings its own set of problems

i know i cannot understand where most of you are coming from because i know some of you have been with lfs for a long time but then you have had more than your moneys worth and anything else is a bonus
Demo licensed
Quote from theodu69 :and i also play for MRC Team
Join Date: Mar 2012

maybe you could actually check before stating such things,you would then find that you couldnt be more wrong
Demo licensed
all looking good,top job
Demo licensed
with all the work you have put in since this hacker came to your attention is a testement that lfs isnt dead,otherwise you wouldnt have even been bothered about that.

anyway good work scawen,all the best to you and thanks for a great sim