basically it is just the themes of all the beta windows vista's throughout the development, and to change back just uninstall a couple of things and change the theme in the display menu
for the tranformation pack here is a good link to find it:
do you want me to email you my xfg and xrt skins for the website?
also, have you already got a forum? if not i can recommend an excellent forum builder thats totally free,, i used it to make my team's forums, and it is very easy to use.
filefront is very good, it currently has 1,211,604 Files totaling 46.76 Terabytes, and you can have your own account for your uploads, which is of course free
why are you doing this though, all I want to do is have a team of my own that i can race with and i am having people messing around with my team name and getting me irritated