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S2 licensed
lol your like my mother xD. ok bed but add me on msn my addy is [email protected] i'am online posting posts on my psp at night and juring the day i post on my PC. And i go on msn on my psp to at night. xD.
S2 licensed
ok but its easy for things to be explaned to me then i understand.
S2 licensed
Now i get this error:

Error 2 'LFS_External_Client.In.NCN(LFS_External.InSim.Packets.IS_NCN)' is a 'method', which is not valid in the given context C:\Documents and Settings\Owen\Desktop\LFS_External_Client\Form1.cs 401 47 LFS_External_Client

if you know whats wrong please reply to this topic,thread.

S2 licensed
Dude i'am getting sick of you! i'am reading what Nova told me and end ofi mean James-F1 not you dark times your helpfull
S2 licensed
am i missing some punctuation somewhere ?
S2 licensed
? wat ?
3 Errors opening file (txt)
S2 licensed

i got a problem when i added this into my InSim script:
(File.Exists(@"C:\insim\database\" + NCN.UName + ".txt"))'.

now the errors are: Error 1 } expected C:\Documents and Settings\Owen\Desktop\LFS_External_Client\Form1.cs 401 1 LFS_External_Client
Error 2 Invalid expression term 'private' C:\Documents and Settings\Owen\Desktop\LFS_External_Client\Form1.cs 473 9 LFS_External_Client
Error 3 ; expected C:\Documents and Settings\Owen\Desktop\LFS_External_Client\Form1.cs 473 17 LFS_External_Client.

Can any one help ?



S2 licensed
Nope... like i said i know how to proggram commands and buttons, and i'am using LFS_External_Client. The 'Form1.cs', and i know how some things work, all i need is know how do i control the mci packet for earning cash.
S2 licensed
well ... can you help me though and am not asking for you to do it all for me. just needed a bit of help
S2 licensed
this makes me feel bad sorry guys . just needed help a little bit, and i have done loads of proggraming my self with commands and buttons.
S2 licensed
So? thats not going to help talking about a stupid CAKE!
S2 licensed
yeah so you can go along helping others and not me IS THAT WHY ?
S2 licensed
i dont know how it loads my txt file wen i join my server... can any one help me ?
earning cash
S2 licensed
hi! atm i have all my '!help' commands to work, and a button called 'Cash'. Does any body know how it can show you the cash and you earn it while you drive ? Thanks. If you can help please post it in here. Thanks again! Owen s2 licenced.
S2 licensed
sorry i dont know about modems... try opening them in windows firewall - Start > Settings > Control panel. and find windows firewall.
S2 licensed
lol no no you have to portforward. i have the same problem. you have to open the ports so people can join and it can send data.
S2 licensed
Quote from trackah123 :Good luck with your new router then lol, i hope its a good one.

yes, lol!
S2 licensed
yeah, lol!
S2 licensed
ok but where would i put that code ?
Making a close button ?
S2 licensed

I made my Welcome message when somebody joins the server but how do i make a close button so it will close that Welcome message ?

if any one can help please post.

Thanks again! Owen. s2 Licenced.
S2 licensed
Thanks Nova It works!
Button Problems
S2 licensed

I had a problem with one of my buttons. I connected to the server and it said: IS_BTN - invalid dimensions.

this is the code:

private[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff]void[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2] NCN([/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af]Packets[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2].[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af]IS_NCN[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2] NCN)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton([/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#a31515]"^7Cash:"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2], [/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af]Flags[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2].[/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af]ButtonStyles[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2].ISB_DARK, 0, 180, 20, 5, 2, NCN.UCID, 1, [/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff]false[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]);
AddToConnectionsList(NCN); [/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#008000]// Adds new player to the Connections[] list (don't remove line!)
[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#2b91af]Debug[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2].WriteLine(NCN.UCID.ToString() + [/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#a31515]" NCN"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2]);

if Any one can help me, please post.

S2 licensed
yes i see... i'am getting a router soon if my bro buys it :P
S2 licensed
ok but you have to help me first to me helping you with the commands and i learned to code of dougie-lampkin and now doing the commands and stuff like that is pretty easy for me now ... thanks dougie-lampkin
S2 licensed
yer thats done that with me to... its not you its the persons internet or you, what upload speed you got ? if you dont know go to this site and check it there. What you do is you click on the yellow triangle and there you go. It will start off on its own. Hope it helps ! Owen s2 Licenced.