1. How to make a scene.. Camera, Lights
2. Modeling.. Modifying the XRT for example..
3. Assigning colors to materials.. Adding skin and colors to new parts..
4. Maybe some basic UVW mapping..
Everywhere I go I meet people that love mac... And when I tell them that my PC is faster than theirs, but they just answer like the one above here did.. Just making fun of writing faults and stuff...
I use 16X AA sampling in blender so maybe that is the reason.. When I use 16x AA sampling in 3ds max the render takes 6 minutes and not 6 hours as in blender.
Sorry for my bad english then :P But we compared speed during different applications and my laptop was the fastest in everything we tried.. Some of these tests were applying layers in photoshop..
I actually got angry when I read that Mac stuff :P Many of my classmates says that mac is the best computer/notebook and I did actually beat all of them with my laptop worth half the price xD