And they seem to like my layout on that CAD server which gives cad the respect for it while CAD didnt do anything. I wonder if they ever created their own layouts.
Hehe, Ales you bastard. You were the one that was crying like a girl . I said that I didn't care anymore about it, Too bad though, he banned me for no reason.
My Satio has been delayed for a while and I hope that I will receive the goddamn phone tomorrow. Really hate the way t-mobile works here in holland. Satio is also S60v5, have alot of apps for it.
Well, you clearly don't read my posts. Go find out who said that, he is an CAD admin.
And btw, Jon put the layout in your server and you used it after that when Jon didn't have any admin powers anymore. You're so stupid, why the hell do you ignore all what people say? Did you even tried to read them?