Sunday 29/9: WE1R/UFR+XFR , 20 laps with 1 mandatory pit stop
Server is Sport Racing Team-Finland
- 15:45-19:45: Qualifying
- 19:45-19:50?!: Warm-Up and Briefing
- 19:50: Race
Notice that race may start about 10 mins earlier than expected because of server settings -> race may start 10 mins earlier than I informed here yesterday
Because you chatted even after Rony asked you to be quiet (Spectators aren´t allowed to chat at Ronys races!). Plus you have to be qualified in RTFR XL races (like yesterday) before you are allowed to take part in race...
And it was Rony who banned you, but it shouldn´t be long-lasting ban..
LFS is great game that team ScaViEr has created over these years... At least my life would have been quite a lot more boring without LFS (of course LFS is not whole my life though..). There are many many great guys in this LFS community, nice to drive/race with you always.
I have same bug too. But I have to start LFSLazy after I have started LFS first... It checks if there are updates but Lazy doesn´t notice that new version somehow..
I took some screenshots... I created this text file from upper left corner (I have Windows 10). I have no idea about that last part of your message ("Hide extensions for known file types" thing)
I tried this already on Monday when I read your message but I write only now. I made new folder, named it to autoexec.lfs, put there same content there has been earlier (also those 2 lines starting with //) and it´s in right place (...\Teemu\MNK\data\script). Still same result when I tried Other -> Autostart -> Install : "Cannot open autoexec"
I think I made this properly, autoexec.lfs is small text file etc. ...
I just tried it but no... "Cannot open autoexec"
I had earlier autoexec.lfs file but just in case removed it yesterday when I was asked to remove older LFSLazy properly before I downloaded this new one I have now... But it seems like autoexec.lfs doesn´t include to LFSLazy installation then.. Btw atm I always open LFSLazy from FB´s message link I got
Ok, now I have somehow working version of Lazy but it´s not starting automatically when I open LFS... Then, Windows Defender is very strict and doesn´t let me open/use Lazy unless I loose those virus scanning settings..
For some reason my LFS Lazy doesn´t work today... There comes following message in red color when I open LFS: autoexec: line 5 - Parameter doesn´t pass
Someone knows what to do? InSim port is 29999, that´s not reason...
Good job again, Scavier! I just want to ask, have you made that one chicane in BL historic more clear that you can just drive straight through it? (I mean that one which separates BL1 and BL2 tracks)