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Offical [TFL] Race & Drift Team Sign Ups!
S3 licensed
I've posted about joining my team before but wanted to make an official sign up page, etc. So The Faithless Legion now have a website for you to sign up at! So here is the Website link, the official team list so far and about my team "The Faithless Legion".

PLEASE NOTE that I may be closing sign ups shortly and at any given time!


Member list:

About [TFL]:
S3 licensed
This Thread needs to be deleted haha.
S3 licensed
Quote from niels1 :This something of your liking /

I like. I'll get back to you once at least another couple of people post Big grin
Team in need of a skin maker!
S3 licensed
Hello! I am looking for someone who can design/make my teams skins. I'm not too experienced with making skins so when I do, they're very very basic. If you're interested or can help out, please show one of your skins below. You're also welcome to join my team if I do like what you do and ask you to make some skins for me.

Thank you! Big grin
Wanted: Someone whos good at making skins?
S3 licensed
Hello! I am looking for someone who can design/make my teams skins. I'm not too experienced with making skins so when I do, they're very very basic. If you're interested or can help out, please show one of your skins below. You're also welcome to join my team if I do like what you do and ask you to make some skins for me.

Thank you! Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Regarding attachments: (point 1.5)

Other thing - since when teams are called leagues?

Fixed Smile
S3 licensed
Hello, fellow racers! I've just started a new league not too long ago, "[TFL] (The Faithless Legion)" and am looking to recruit members.
It will be an all round team. So that means we will be Drifting, Racing, Rallying, Drag Racing & Doing Custom Events such as Police Chase modes, Demo derby etc. even cruising! Game mode suggestions and ideas are welcomed as a member of [TLF] also. If you are interested at all please fill out the following below and I'll send you a Personal Message at some point to let you know what I think!


-*The first 3 people to sign up and are accepted by me personally will be classed as elite members, using the elite team tag (If they want): |TFL| YourName

The members recruited after that use the regular tag: [TFL] YourName

(Example shown in pictures below)

If you have any questions, ask below or via Personal Message.


LFS Username:
LFS Display Name:
Current Racing Team Name (If you have one):
Skill level: [ ]Beginner - [ ]Intermediate - [ ]Pro
Personal Skill: [ ]Racing - [ ]Drifting - [ ]Rally - [ ]Drag
Age and/or Birthday:

(To select your Skill Level and Personal Skill, Put an X in the box (eg. [X]) that describes it best. You may Select up to 3 personal skills.)
Last edited by TERMINAT0R16876, .
S3 licensed
Could you possibly make one for the RB4 and/or FXO?
S3 licensed
Team Name: The Faithless Legion

Server (Y/N): Only when needed (On-Demand Hourly Rented Server)

If yes server name: [TFL] Team "Insert current event here"

Type: Race/Drift/Drag/Rally/Cruise.

Team info: New team that do anything and everything! Race, Drift, Drag, Rally, Cruise, you name it we do it! Even a few custom events and game modes including a police chase game type, kamikaze style tracks and Derby races plus heaps more! Broken down, we do serious and fun events!

Website: N/A to Public

Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Immediately

Demo/S1/S2?: Any (Including S3 early in the new year)

Extra Info (teamtag etc) [TFL] Your Name

- Also, you must be active! Try to join us, at the very least, twice to three times a week. But it is preferred that you are constantly active with us.

For more info or if you have questions, a PM would appreciated! Big grin
Last edited by TERMINAT0R16876, .
S3 licensed
Quote from mbutcher :If this is something new you should post original content, not something you found on Google. Good luck all the same. Thumbs up

That's true. I just thought I'd put something together so it didn't look too plain Tongue
But thank you! Big grin
S3 licensed
What kind of team are you looking for? Drift or Race
Age: 17
Country: Australia
Preferred Car/Track: Westhill/RB4 and FXR
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: Not sure as I use custom confg quite a lot.
How Active Are You? I'm on LFS once a day or so.
What Kind of Control do you use? Logitech
Time Zone: Melbourne AEST
S3 licensed
Quote from Sobis :Wait do these pictures contain VOB mods?

Oh and wrong section, pal Thumbs up. This is where you should be posting:

I posted here to get it out there cause I know quite a few people read the general discussion. Also the photo's don't contain VOBs aside from the "Drift" image and that is just a google image, not mine. Wasn't intending to post about VOBS Big grin
Racers, Dragsters, Drifters and Rally Racers looking for Recruitment...
S3 licensed
Hello, fellow racers! I've just started a new league not too long ago, "[TFL] (The Faithless Legion)" and am looking to recruit members.
It will be an all round league. So that means we will be Drifting, Racing, Rallying, Drag Racing & Doing Custom Events such as Police Chase modes, Demo derby etc. even cruising! Game mode suggestions and ideas are welcomed as a member of [TLF] also. If you are interested at all please fill out the following below and I'll send you a Personal Message at some point to let you know what I think!

If you have any questions, ask below or via Personal Message.

LFS Username:
LFS Display Name:
Current Racing Team Name (If you have one):
Skill level: [ ]Beginner - [ ]Intermediate - [ ]Pro
Personal Skill: [ ]Racing - [ ]Drifting - [ ]Rally - [ ]Drag

(To select your Skill Level and Personal Skill, Put an X in the box (eg. [X]) that describes it best. You may Select up to 3 personal skills.)
Last edited by TERMINAT0R16876, .