I've posted about joining my team before but wanted to make an official sign up page, etc. So The Faithless Legion now have a website for you to sign up at! So here is the Website link, the official team list so far and about my team "The Faithless Legion".
PLEASE NOTE that I may be closing sign ups shortly and at any given time!
Hello! I am looking for someone who can design/make my teams skins. I'm not too experienced with making skins so when I do, they're very very basic. If you're interested or can help out, please show one of your skins below. You're also welcome to join my team if I do like what you do and ask you to make some skins for me.
Hello! I am looking for someone who can design/make my teams skins. I'm not too experienced with making skins so when I do, they're very very basic. If you're interested or can help out, please show one of your skins below. You're also welcome to join my team if I do like what you do and ask you to make some skins for me.
Hello, fellow racers! I've just started a new league not too long ago, "[TFL] (The Faithless Legion)" and am looking to recruit members.
It will be an all round team. So that means we will be Drifting, Racing, Rallying, Drag Racing & Doing Custom Events such as Police Chase modes, Demo derby etc. even cruising! Game mode suggestions and ideas are welcomed as a member of [TLF] also. If you are interested at all please fill out the following below and I'll send you a Personal Message at some point to let you know what I think!
-*The first 3 people to sign up and are accepted by me personally will be classed as elite members, using the elite team tag (If they want): |TFL| YourName
The members recruited after that use the regular tag: [TFL] YourName
(Example shown in pictures below)
If you have any questions, ask below or via Personal Message.
LFS Username:
LFS Display Name:
Current Racing Team Name (If you have one):
Skill level: [ ]Beginner - [ ]Intermediate - [ ]Pro
Personal Skill: [ ]Racing - [ ]Drifting - [ ]Rally - [ ]Drag
Age and/or Birthday:
(To select your Skill Level and Personal Skill, Put an X in the box (eg. [X]) that describes it best. You may Select up to 3 personal skills.)
Server (Y/N): Only when needed (On-Demand Hourly Rented Server)
If yes server name: [TFL] Team "Insert current event here"
Type: Race/Drift/Drag/Rally/Cruise.
Team info: New team that do anything and everything! Race, Drift, Drag, Rally, Cruise, you name it we do it! Even a few custom events and game modes including a police chase game type, kamikaze style tracks and Derby races plus heaps more! Broken down, we do serious and fun events!
Website: N/A to Public
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Immediately
Demo/S1/S2?: Any (Including S3 early in the new year)
Extra Info (teamtag etc) [TFL] Your Name
- Also, you must be active! Try to join us, at the very least, twice to three times a week. But it is preferred that you are constantly active with us.
For more info or if you have questions, a PM would appreciated!
What kind of team are you looking for? Drift or Race
Age: 17
Country: Australia
Preferred Car/Track: Westhill/RB4 and FXR
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: Not sure as I use custom confg quite a lot.
How Active Are You? I'm on LFS once a day or so.
What Kind of Control do you use? Logitech
Time Zone: Melbourne AEST
I posted here to get it out there cause I know quite a few people read the general discussion. Also the photo's don't contain VOBs aside from the "Drift" image and that is just a google image, not mine. Wasn't intending to post about VOBS
Hello, fellow racers! I've just started a new league not too long ago, "[TFL] (The Faithless Legion)" and am looking to recruit members.
It will be an all round league. So that means we will be Drifting, Racing, Rallying, Drag Racing & Doing Custom Events such as Police Chase modes, Demo derby etc. even cruising! Game mode suggestions and ideas are welcomed as a member of [TLF] also. If you are interested at all please fill out the following below and I'll send you a Personal Message at some point to let you know what I think!
If you have any questions, ask below or via Personal Message.
LFS Username:
LFS Display Name:
Current Racing Team Name (If you have one):
Skill level: [ ]Beginner - [ ]Intermediate - [ ]Pro
Personal Skill: [ ]Racing - [ ]Drifting - [ ]Rally - [ ]Drag
(To select your Skill Level and Personal Skill, Put an X in the box (eg. [X]) that describes it best. You may Select up to 3 personal skills.)