I would like a Driver Suit that is a Ferrari Formula 1 suit circa 2006. but any and all Marlboro logos can you replace them with "Boy Scouts of America"?
Turns out we didnt get attacked. i got transferred to a checkpoint at the entrance of the US base there. They installed a fresh tougher batch of marines at the outpost earlier today. Today im just going to try and enjoy whatever American amenities i have left. Sitting back with a root beer and trying to catch Rocko's Modern Life on the TV they have. time for us to go to bed. night guys coming out.
im going to ignore all you people bashing the military. and guess what. im flying to Kabul right now. from what i know im going to just stand guard in an important Army outpost that they need Marines to guard somewhere in downtown Kabul. heavy al quieda presence there. but i have a trusty M4A1. and i managed to get my hands on a Desert Eagle with a scope attachment. keep that along with the standard issue USP .45 sidearm. arriving in about an hour. intel suggests that the terrorists are planning an attack on the outpost around 2pm tomorrow. if i dont post a reply by Tuesday night, im either seriously wounded or dead. but my platoon is full of tough honorable guys. I feel safe with them on my side.
due to get shipped out to i think Kabul in about 2 or 3 days. supposed to be alot of activity going on over there. ill keep you guys updated.
heres hoping i dont get wasted.
PFC J.Hazen
(being an Eagle Scout i am a private first class while the others are just privates)
pretty much the standard things, but they had a Civil War reenactment this morning, and we used real muzzleloaders!
Tomorrow we gotta run the obstacle course.
The recruit period lasts till mid September, then we get 2 weeks leave of absence, then in early October we go back to boot camp to finish our training.
your request is honored. I am using my phone to talk to you guys. My DI is a carbon copy of Sergeant Hartman! We're at the mess hall now, and the food is yellow rice and chicken. no seconds, or we do pushups. The other recruits here are awesome, a couple of them fellow Eagle Scouts, one of them also likes to hunt & fish, and every free time we get we get into discussions about sports, and they always yell out a random year (yesterday somebody yelled "1996!" and i said "New York Yankees!") and i give them the World Series champ that year. Turns out that the Chef there is an old friend from grade school, and he inconspicuously slipped me extra yellow rice (because we used to have eating competitions back in 5th grade and we always used yellow rice, and i won all but 3 of the contests) when the DI wasnt looking. Its great, and whenever the other guys get full and they still have food on their plates, the DI just says "Give your scraps to Hazen, he'll clean the plates." I asked him why he said that when if you try to get seconds, you do push ups, he just said "Im not like Sergeant Hartman, Jake, i can let things slip now and again."
He's a nice guy when you get on his good side. I offhandedly mentioned NASCAR when i was talking to the others, and he just waltzed over and said "NASCAR is a true american sport, recruits. Let me tell you about king Richard Petty." I said "With all due respect Sir, I already know all there is to know about NASCAR, but if the others don't, i can help you talk about him." I was expecting to get his copiously loud yelling in my face, but he just laughed, said "Sit down, Hazen, and tell me what you know." We talked about NASCAR until meal time was over. There are so many more things i can tell you about, but its time to leave the mess hall, so bye bye for now!!
TheVeryEnd, you need to be physically fit, and durable.
I chose the Marines as they are the Elite fighting force, and the training regimen they put you through prepares you for life as well as combat.
But if you take medication, you cant enlist. Good thing i went off mine in 9th grade.
As you might not know, i will be deploying for Marines Boot Camp in September, and i would like a skin pak that contains the USMC logo, the marine with the sword, and THE FEW THE PROUD and all that stuff. oh, and a US flag on the roof/Rear wing would be cool.
As you know The Boy Scouts of America have celebrated 100 years of scouting.
i would like somebody to make a skin celebrating 100 years of scouting in america for the XFG, XRG, and FBM.
as an Eagle Scout, if you could place an Eagle Scout logo somewhere that would be swell.
here is a couple of 100 years of scouting pictures for reference, along with the eagle scout badge.
Thanks for helping a Scout!!!
again i would like a skin for all demo cars: XFG, XRG, and FBM.
maybe a helmet too.
Dont forget Gordon and the other drivers, it would be cool to get alot of nascar skins and have a mock nascar race or something
ive been searching for NASCAR skins for XRG for awhile to do just that in SP.
The New Jersey Devils are my favorite hockey team, and i would like a XRG skin and a helmet to tribute them.
On the roof i would like a italicized 1995 in red bordered by white and black
left side i would like 2000 in the same font and color.
same goes with the 2003 on the right side.
the hood can have the logo.
the bumper can have NEW JERSEY DEVILS in white print.
and maybe little stickers on the mirrors saying NJD on the left and 552 on the right.
the helmet can simply have the logo stretching all over.
Heres the logo for color reference and stuff.
Thank you!