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S3 licensed
Quote from bobloblaw :
VR is really what saved LFS from becoming abondonware. Scawen saw the potential and resumed work on the sim. VR has brought us improved graphics performance, which paves the way for improved graphics (and when the hardware requirements go up, we can see most of the illegal users left behind). VR will also attract many new players to the game. And lets be honest, since we are all seeking realism by playing a sim, VR is the way to go. At some point, playing LFS without a VR headset will be like playing it without a wheel .

Please sir, can you call out 10 people on this Forum that owns a Oculus Rift. No, actually 5. Get five people to say they own a Oculus rift. If you can, then Ill take back all the stuff I said in my first post.
S3 licensed
At this point. All I want is a Statement from Scawen, or Eric or the other one in-which explaining why for 8 years S3 was in the works, and after the 8 year, they finally release S3 with one single **** Track
S3 licensed
Quote from JBiturbo :Cmon man, no offense, but you are defenitly the ultimate fanboy here, m8. You basicly choped every issue on my post, and gave to all a snippy awnser... Can you try to be objective for a little while? Do you really believe in every "comeback" you gave me?

Why release only Rockingham after 7 years of waiting, specialy if it was sitting there gathering dust? and more shocking, why charge for it? Didn't we wait enough? Should we really be charged as a whole racing pack for one track after all these years? for me that was a low blow from the devs, showed no respect for their community, for all the racers that stood year after year just waiting for something anounced in 2008 to come out. And as they saying goes " fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". So you get where im going with this.

VR is important? yes. DX9 is important? kinda, we are way passed that but still, its a step forward. Are both of these more important then new content? Absolutely no. And they didn't even need to rush anything out, 8 years its plenty for at least a well developed S3, like a handfull of new cars and 2 or 3 tracks ( at least ).

Yes, Westhill is nice, kudos to Eric. Credit given where credit is due.

About the costumer thing, i think we are well past the "gimme gimme now now", unless now means within an 8 year span. It was more like "Oh you have a new track and Scirocco almost ready to realese? Awsome, take your time and release it Devs!!"...but by take your time, nobody expeted 8 years, specially if the content was already made and we could even do skins for the scirocco and drool over it in LFSViewer.

M8, i understand your point of view. I dont agree with it, but i do understand it. You will enable any decision made by the devs, and rate it as the right one, no matter what, because in the end, they do whatever they want with LFS. You will wait whatever time its necessary for new content to get out, if it does come out at all. But reality tells me you will be feeling very lonely when it does, if it does, come out at all. Meanwhile a huge chunk of the comunity, unwillingly, moved on, myself included. And as the days, weeks, months, years go by, maybe even you will one day get tired. And all of this is a waste. Thats the bottom line. What a waist of a great sim, and great races that could take place here ( that once did took place and were epic! )

No need to always come back defending the devs, and turn on the guy whos not up for this show. A few of the guys here disagree with me, but they also understand my concerns.

This whole statement is the best thing i've spent my 45 minute lunch break for the past 2 years reading on this Forums. this needs to be spread threw out the whole community. Me Personally, I bought S3 without actually reading the Forum post...and dont dare say nobody else didn't. But anyway, this needs to be spread!! #makelfsgreat again

The hashtag was horrible
Last edited by TheNoobisonFire, .
S3 licensed
Dude, Scawen already said that Money won't effect the time or quality of content pushed out...
S3 licensed
Quote from lfsrm :Cmon lets dont become a bunch of apologists, yea the game is smooth and all ( from a 13 year old engin running on modern pc what more do you expect ? ), but don't tell me RB4/FZ5/UF1 etc interiors are the finest details in gaming industry or Aston is a realistic track, LFS deserve a way better representation because of the solid base!

Fanboyism will not fill up the server lists or make the game more attractive. Shrug

Honestly I don't know what the devs are thinking. Their making all these updates (idk if anyone else thinks their minor/unnecessary), but they lost almost all of their audience. I used go to on the website to see at least 1,500-2,300 online. Check LFS world and their are under 600 online from a day to day basis....What I'm trying to say is I don't see much of a goal. I feel like their only continuing because its something interesting to do on a weekend.

*Don't want to start anything negative, and honestly idk why I chose to quote this...*

EDIT 1: Pretty much to me. The devs are just winging it and it doesn't really sound like they have a specific plan.

EDIT 2: For the past year there have been a total of 293 Daily Licensed Racers, and 480 Demo Racers.
Last edited by TheNoobisonFire, .
S3 licensed
Yay! A place where you can now say your opinion into someones headphones
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from BeNoM :But you are demo user...

Yeah...Your a Demo User
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Honestly, I think this is a good idea. At least release it as a "Free to Play" and only have Demo. Then as time goes by, they can release the licenses after seeing how much people actually use the app. Like what happened with iRacing. Plus like I said, since the game has VR support, it can be featured and gain even more popularity.

I don't really know how this whole "Put game on Steam Greenlight" works but I really think the devs should at least consider it.
S3 licensed
Quote from lfsrm :Steam DLC system is good enough to split the game into s1, s2 etc, plus they can add a layer of online check for more security.

I think steam automaticly convert currency for differente countries, maybe they are playing with their prices share part too to increase or decrease prices per market, it's a good system to get more people into their platform games.

I completely agree about the actuale state of game, it's not ready yet.

Either that, or release it as a "Free to play' game and have the packs as "in-Game Purchases".
But as for the state of the game...They should probably have the "Full S3 Content"(I.E. The unfinished tracks and cars that was said to be in S3). Then they can consider putting it on Steam Greenlight.

Plus. Even though the game might become a "failure like the relaunched Rf1 on steam". At least the game will gain a popularity faster and would bring in an overwhelming cash boost, that would hopefully aid the devs to push out fresh and new content. For the reviews however would just simply be seen as something in the back of the head of everyone on the forums...

Plus...again. With the new integration of VR like the Oculus and the HTC Vive into the game, this will most likely bring in a bonus of opportunities for popularity and people that would buy licenses to try it in game. Hopefully if this happens, this ties in with my last paragraph that would, increase purchase rate and in turn give the devs enough money to buy this that would make the dev process much easier, and in turn; push out more and faster content.
Last edited by TheNoobisonFire, .
S3 licensed
"We can't afford advertising so as ever before we will have to rely on word of mouth (or word of text)." quoted from Scawen...just in case.
Live For Speed on Steam Greenlight
S3 licensed
I've come here to post a simple question that was probably already answered...but because I never saw it, i'll continue anyway.
So as you can see by the title. I was wondering if any of the Devs ever thought of putting the game on Steam Greenlight. Just to make the game more popular and to make up for the "No money for Advertisement" issue
I also posted here to make amends of any or all comments of which was offensive.
S3 licensed
This stream is pretty good. reported from Nottingham
S3 licensed
I have to admit, Scawen you did a very good job with this, especially with the sirens pack. keep it up fam!!

EDIT: Eric and Victor too!!
S3 licensed
Quote from PeterN :Poor WKD.

I literally cryed as I looked for something that wasn't there...

EDIT: I Voted TC. But if WKD was know
S3 licensed
Hey Scawen...Can I get another unlock please?
S3 licensed
Aparently This skin doesnt work anymore...(2016)
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
(Irrelevant) My first post in 2016!!!
S3 licensed
Happy New Years To all who inhabit the world!!
S3 licensed
Happy New year!!! 6Mins away
S3 licensed
Nice update Scawen!
S3 licensed
My Speedo is now Purple...