use the circle select tool and select image with shift + click for a perfect round selection, photoshop usually don't select 1 or 2 pixels inside the selection area that's the reason why you didn't have a nice round image, with this you may lose a few pixels but it's going to be a perfect circle
if you want to be precise use two guidelines, grab them to the edge of the object and start the selection where the to guidelines met each other
the easiest way is using planar mapping from the top, the front, the back and the sides or you can unwrap the modell manualy, but unwrap needs a bit of skill and patience
here is a tutorial for the first one, it is for max, but i'm sure you can use it for solidworks
a basic moba game is when you buy or dowload the game and play it without any handicap, so in dota you can do it after you learn the basics, in lol? i don't think so, in a game where you can buy things just to make you more imba is kinda unfair for those who can't afford it, or just don't want to buy those things because they just want to have fun! it is true in lol you can have fun in lower levels, but you need to play a hell a lot of games just to try out a "new" hero, or simply put a hell a lot of money in it...
back to the improvement, yep the original needs some improvent: leaver detection, reconnection, a better shop system, new graphics etc., the new graphics is there, it doesn't looks shiny like hon, but how cares? in a big fight you can't see anything in hon, in here you can, and thats why it isn't an eyecandy game...
basicly that's what we see now, later when we can play it, we will see what is improved or what needs to be improved, but it's still in beta(in closed beta atm) so i think it's a bad start for it, i just simply wait till the public comes out and then i answer the question, is a bad or a good game, if it will be the same as the original dota with the improvments i said, it will a good game, and main reason of that is the balance!