There is a light as the others said, its the Handbrake Warning Light also,
If you want to test this ( I THINK this works) just make a set up called ABS and put the brake strength up to the highest possible and when u stamp on the brakes it should come on.
To use this when your in the car, Hold Shift and Press A, Then you'll see near the middle right, Dump Valve, Turn the muffle to as low as it can get, and turn volume up to 2.0, Then click the L next to it and select Fluttershorthigh
Is it possible to make some sort of virtual button box, like having different buttons (Traction Control, Engine Start etc.) to press so they interact with the game.
Something like the pic below
Personally, I always listen to music while racing/cruising, and it also helps me relax instead of going off my head when some idiot slams into the side of me. This is a Good Idea, But as Logical said, The Media Keyboards are FTW, I'm glad I bought the one I'm using now.
Well maybe like instead of having the rear view, you could press the rear view button and it would bring up this screen until you let it go, in other words it works the same as the rear view apart from its triggerable via the rear view button and theres 2 views not just 1 rear view and it should be configurable in the options whether it should be 2 views or just 1 when you press the button.
Well it would be a good idea like when racing, instead of looking behind and loosing the view ahead, you could just glance down.
EDIT: Before any1 says it, theres a rear view mirror, yeah ofcourse, but I like a bigger view because I myself squinting at the Rear-View Mirror so i'd like a bigger view
Having A Day off school for this tomorrow, (Graduation Day Really)
I don't think the world will end, In fact, If it was that possible, they wouldn't put the world at risk but I can't be bothered to read all the topics on it,
Also the 2012 shit, I doubt that will happen even more.
If you think about it, its not simple.
Sure, When you hit the barrier and u fly miles into the sky, its annoying.
But on the Cruise servers Barriers play a big part, so LFS wouldn't really want to have the barriers flying about everywhere, also on races you wouldn't want a barrier flying into your path while your racing clean and fair.
I think this will come in with the damage system (If there's gonna be 1 )
It depends what car I'm in.
If its a car with Sequential Gears, and I can't use my 6-Speed shifter, I use my left foot to speed up the braking.
If its a car with a 6-Speed shifter, I'll use my right foot.
It doesn't have filters on the exhaust fans, That's obvious because you want as much air out as you can so you don't really want to filter it,
As I said, the 3 Intake Fans have filters, Not the exhaust.
Actually I think the Model Changing is related to Hex Editing,
Although I wouldn't even bother if you have no knowledge of Hex Codes.
I personally have no knowledge, I couldn't even change LFS.exe AT ALL without it not starting and giving me errors, Tried it with the .vob's
I've forgotten what its called but it was on T.V the other night,
2 Babies left by a woman outside the supermarket, She says F*ck
They grow up to learn the word **** and like it very much, They're drug dealers (not mass) :P
Laughed my ass off at it
Just remembered what its called,
Jay and Silent Bob, I think.