A small and perhaps dumb question...
I have used the function ch (chart) and recived this (and more).
What character is used after the name, I tried to search for ' ' but strpos() miss. I think it should be something like "\\n" but that don't work either. I hope there is something else than ' ' or how do you solve names with a space 'Nisse Hult"?
Not true!
You can add your skins in folder LFS\data\skins but the automatic download wont work in the demo. Your compititors wont see your skin - you have to send your skins thru mail or msn...
I think people have to learn to live with the decisions they make...You mess up at T1 -> try to get to pit or leave the race. The ones left in the race:
1....race on and no possibility to a restart
2. ...or they leave the race (no one left in the race) and make it possible for a restart.
I have just started to try to learn PHP. Perhaps a big start but I tried to recive some data from lfsworld and the result goes like this
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: file_get_contents() in c:\phpdev\www\lfsdata.php on line 16"
I got phpdev423 installed. Is the problem that the function file_get_contents() don't exist or...I would be glad if someone could point me in the right direction.
Been reading too...And my basic understanding is that weight should not interfere much with top speed but I got thoughts from a friend of mine So now it's time to find some answers.
i read in the Miata files and found this:
"The rolling resistance is approximately proportional to the velocity:
This approximation is probably the weakest one in the model."
Anyone knows a site where I can read about physics concerning cars. I would like to read more about roll/air resistance and how much or if weight has anything to do with top speed.
I found some templates for cars at RSC / LFS. Would it be possible to copy them to this thread. I feel I can't do it because I am not the author/owner.
There is alot fast guys how use keybords for driving. But you will need alot of practise (even with a wheel). Start with the slower cars when you go online and practise the fast ones offlline.
I do like the "history" behind the cars in rfactor and the demo of rfactor worked like charm compared to GTR/GTL, so rfactor will be on the computer later on (I think). It will be fun to se what the different modders will come up with.
I changed from GPL to LFS because the online experience is so fun/good and now when we get more cars and track combinations then I can "master" I like it even more. There is alot of nice people to met on the servers, easy to connect and then we have the team behind it all .
But it's good that there is several sims, so people can find the "game" of there liking