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S2 licensed
ive got the full version of BTB and its only rFactor and RBR one, i want the new one that lets you do GTR Evolution aswell but that is the same price as the normal one again
S2 licensed
Ive had this twice and its ok if you can be bothered to walk across a huge map to find the enemy (which most of the time i cant). Gets boring very quickly.
S2 licensed
Clio's have been there for so long i cant see them going any time soon
S2 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :Waddya mean omg? It looks tight. Take a look at this E3 trailer.

It has a transit!

But seriously, it looks like MC:LA, and and love that game, so I think will love (at least like!) this too!

It doesnt look that good, i dont know why car companies say yes to having their cars put in a game with stupid stuff such as EMP charges.
S2 licensed
wicked, thats worked cheers
Flashing "text" cursor annoying me
S2 licensed
I have noticed since yesterday when my dog stood on my keyboard (dont ask long story) that if i click anywhere on any website in firefox that i get a flashing cursor thing like you do when you type text on here or in Microsoft Word. Just wondering why its there cos its getting right on my nerves.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I like push to pass, I just dislike F1's implementation of it - not the fact some cars have it and some dont, but the fact that it gets refreshed every lap so that every lap it can be used at the 1 or 2 places an overtake is possible - making it a bit redundant as a push to pass concept and just a car that goes a bit quicker in passing places.

Formula Palmer was the first series I know that implemented it, introducing a boost button you should press 3 times during the [short] race which gave you 10 seconds of power.

I would like a system which runs for a fixed amount of time during the race, or can be used X number of times during the race, so that it's usage becomes strategic and it achieves it's purpose - creating overtakes out on the circuit.


Ever since the BTCC moved away from being a field comprised entirely of Andy Rouse tuned Ford Sierra's i've enjoyed the mix of cars, particularly the hatches races alongside saloons. I like that the cars appear to be regular road going cars (although of course it's just a body shell) and I like that it is a mix.

The NGTC specification might end up returning us to an era of grids full of identical looking cars, and I hope that does not happen.


At £100k for a car including engine and running gear, that's not bad for a major championship, it's an amount of money that at least does not feel inconceiveable to raise given it's a televised championship with a huge following. Can't fault that really.


I dont give a damned about RWD/FWD. It's a series of road car racing, most road cars are FWD


I dont give a damned about diesel. Only rep's drive diesels.

It will give the youngsters a chance of racing aswell because why spend £100k on a season in Clio's when you can do BTCC for the same
S2 licensed
£18,000 plus shipping costs etc. for importing, then registering it so i would suspect it would cost about £25k
S2 licensed
dont know but i do know Honda dont sell them from their dealerships over here in UK, you have to have them imported.
S2 licensed
its got a Mugen bodykit and i believe they tuned the engine aswell.
S2 licensed
Quote from james12s :tbh i think the bigger bit is better if bigger only means the size of the current saloons and applying to the hatches because i cant see for example a honda civic liking a 300+bhp turboed engine to much, it is unstable enough as it is, ban the hatch lol

they could switch to that awesome Mugen Civic Sedan, that would make an awesome looking touring car
S2 licensed
well u can tell its Big Brother UK, most of them are foreign.(no offence meant by that comment by the way) The only part of the show i watch is the people goin in the house. The rest of it is crap.
S2 licensed
GT5 Prologue sucks, since when can you drift an F1 car? they drift as a normal car would.
S2 licensed
Quote from mclarenmatt :Nope only Xbox 360 or PS3.

no its only on Xbox 360
S2 licensed
these people who are grumping about no RWD anymore need to look at the facts, BMW and rwd has only been back in the championship for 3 seasons.

BTCC since the late ninties has been dominated by fwd cars. And on the note of 5haz about the 300bhp, thats what power the current cars have. Or if you want to be really picky 280bhp. So it will be no different.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :The Wii doesn't suck, it's just not to your taste (or mine) and suffers from more than it's share of lacklustre software. But enough people have bought it to prove that the vast majority of people think it's worth the money.

Please tell me you're not trying to use that as an argument against physical activity. Mutes would be suing whoever makes Lips and Singstar. Deaf people would be suing mp3 player and speaker manufacturers.

It's not like having access to a building. This is something you choose to seek out and buy if you want it.

I think in principle it's a good idea. Gamers have a nasty reputation of being lazy fat buggers. And there's a reason that stereotype exists. Gabe Newell, I'm looking at you. The problem isn't the idea of using motion controls, it's the way they're used by developers.

No, but they're saying this motion stuff is the future of gaming when it just shouldnt be and it would be a problem if you were disabled if they made this and made the controller obsolete.
S2 licensed
crap, the Wii sucks and dont see why this will be any different. Also with game companies introducing stuff like this they're not really catering for people who may have a disability.
S2 licensed
Quote from majod :IKEA has announced it's intention to take over GM and sell cars.

that might have worked if it wasnt a picture of a VW Golf
S2 licensed
Quote from rsnake53 :With GM going under, what are the chances of a few of the sub companies staying in business? I wouldn't expect Buick or Hummer to stay afloat, but what of the larger companies that may be able to turn things around with long term plan? Are there chances of them being bought by other companies?

I've never experienced anything like this. I would imagine most other countries wouldn't be too effected by this.

Hummer has already closed, it closed at the same time as Pontiac didnt it?
S2 licensed
well ur the one that messages him first cause ive been round his house when you've done it
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Mmm yeah I don't think it's fake.

But either way I think it was a poor "joke" if that could be called it, especially, if I remember, Eminem has not long gotten out of rehab, all that other shit he's gone through, the efforts he's put into his new album, etc..

Personally although I can sit here and say "OWNED", the reality is it's a poor joke, borderline round and disgraceful.

which would have been a lot although it still only took 2 weeks to write the majority of it. But yeah why would he laugh at some person pretending to be a poof putting his arse in his face?
S2 licensed
still havent managed to watch it cos of Youtube's shitty servers
Game prices starting to take the p**s
S2 licensed
Lately ive noticed all these new games coming, the prices have rocketed. Take ARMA 2 for instance normally a pc game new is £24.99 but ARMA 2 is £36.99 rrp and Modern Warefare 2 is priced up for £44.99 on for Xbox 360 with the rrp at £54.99. The pc version is £39.99 for MW2.
S2 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :I dont think its a new wheel? (correct me if im wrong) , i think its just gonna work 900 deg and h-shifter with fm3 , which would be nice, but i have a G25 soo it kinda sucks..

its not Turn10's fault its Logitech's and Microsoft's
S2 licensed
this is gonna be one of my favourite games ever i just cant get over how amazing it looks