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S2 licensed
i just did a race in the Legends and finished 3rd yet i got - score for my licence. Why? im confused
S2 licensed
Quote from MR_B :
My other suspicion (also agreed by a few others) is that VW screwed them over when they found out it had damage, and they've got to re-write it to not have damage on the scirocco.

Well then that would defy the point of LFS being a so called Sim.
S2 licensed
from personal experience, , there are loads out there and most of them have links to the others anyway.
S2 licensed
my money is on Silverstone.
S2 licensed
Donnington is just one big balls up at the moment.
BTCC Donnington cancelled [?]
S2 licensed
Just been onto the BTCC website and up until 20mins ago there was a story on the homepage saying that the next stop is Donnington then a big story on it and also the counter on the right was counting down to it but now its gone. The counter is counting down to Oulton Park and Donnington has gone from the calender.
Last edited by trebor901, .
Spanish GP to be spectatorless?
S2 licensed
Spanish GP could be F1's first ever spectatorless event because the event organisers are considering banning all spectators because of swine flu.
S2 licensed
well on some other advice ive bought the Skip Barber and it drives really nice, better than i thought it would anyway
S2 licensed
just done a 25 lap race round summit point in the Solstice and came 2nd but on lap 21 someone who was a lap down wouldnt get out of my way, then he braked early and i locked up and ran into the back of him, after the race he blamed it on me when he should have got out the way.

I dont know why but with iRacing i will happily do these long races where as if you put me in front of LFS and said "here you go do 25 laps around here" my answer would be "bugger off". Really like the way the cars feel on iRacing.
S2 licensed
i just want a car thats different to the default 3 you get, they're good but i want something different. Something that will help me get further on into the sim.
S2 licensed
ah yeah good point, is the Mazda any good? like the look of it cos i like small formula cars but dunno
S2 licensed
what is a better car to buy? the Chevy Impala SS Nascar or the Star Mazda?
S2 licensed
i hope the members site isnt this slow all the time, its like having 512kb internet again.
S2 licensed
i dont think it will be a sim, in the sense of Forza 2 and Race Pro but its gonna be about 5000 times nicer to play than the likes of Pro Street and Undercover
S2 licensed
hope with this paypal lark you can use it as soon as you have done the paypal transaction and not have to wait a week until its cleared.
S2 licensed
to put it bluntly, they can piss off
S2 licensed
it was ejay
S2 licensed
Just take it to Game and they'll take the scratches out for £2.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jordan2007 :Giovanardi for the win this weekend.

Vauxhall's are very strong at Thruxton,

Hopefully Plato can get in the top 5.

And maybe the focus to get in the top 10..

If any of the Vauxhalls win there this weekend my money is on Matt Neal or Andrew Jordan
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Well i do have a few 8GB-16GB USB memory sticks in the drawer so that wouldn't be a problem.

But yeah, I'll look into it a bit more.

EDIT: Ugh, 110 euros for 120GB harddrive for xbox

thing is that i'm not really rich so i need to be quite sure where i invest my money in.

You should maybe look at buying 2nd hand. Ive got a 60gb hard drive on my 360 and its perfectly big enough. I have got a 20gb one in the box aswell off my old 360
S2 licensed
yes you need a hard drive or a 256mb memory stick (not really recommeneded). If you're gonna get Xbox Live then yes i'd definately get a hard drive
S2 licensed
If you do take it to Gamestation dont take the modded controller because they'll have a benny at you about Microsoft EULA.
I am a boat, really I am
S2 licensed
Someone forogt the handbrake and went to the toilet, came back to find their car had gone for a swim.
S2 licensed
Jason Plato is back driving for RML run Racing Silverline
S2 licensed
trouble with the jobs around here they're very specific trades, ive got Xtrac up the road from me, there are a couple of race teams based a few miles up the road, there's a lot of things like joinery firms and building firms around here which arent doing well because of the current climate. Ive had experience in working in a factory and i quite enjoyed it and i dont want to now go work in a shop.

Good to hear that people out of work for 1 year will get a guarenteed placement. Trouble is though will you be forced to take what they give you?