Would be very useful, to who drives with the mouse, to can to attribute a different value to the button control rate of the accellerate and of the brake. Example: button control rate 4 for accelerate and button control rate 6 for brake. Is it possible? Thanks
To the second lap the driver Malcomax has realized the record of the track (SO5) with the Uf (1.49.90).
Al term of the race the server CTRA has assigned to Malcomax the record but immediately after, when the driver LordBlaster has exited from the box with the Uf, the record has been assigned to this driver with the time that had realized with the RB4: 1.34.110.
Hi all; There is the possibility to see on the web site Ctra the records of the tracks and car obtained on the server on line?
If this question has already been used, I ask you excuse.
I have checked this box and the message is "Not Converted: 0"; but the ghost car has remained that old.
I believe to have effected the correct procedure. With the xfg it works well.
Hi all; i have tried this software with the raf-files of the XFG and all has worked. When I have tried to convert the raf-files of the FXR the conversion of the file seems that has been done but in reality nothing is changed; the ghost car is still that old. Can someone help me?
Salve; mi è successa una cosa alquanto strana a cui non so dare una spiegazione; spero invece ch3e qualcuno di voi mi sappia dire come mai. Quando ho installato per la prima volta LFS il mio pc era dotato di una scheda video scarsetta; graficamente infatti il gioco non rendeva quanto realmente vale. Per capirci, durante una gara il numero di fps era intorno ai 20; di fatti le immagini erano sicuramente poco invidiabili. Comunque sia, ho iniziato a giocarci utilizzando il Joypad che ho puntualmente settato attraverso le opzioni dei controlli, in modo da ottenere con il movimento del piccolo joystik, una sterzata più regolare possibile, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la velocità di tale movimento.
Dopo qualche mese ho finalmente cambiato scheda video ed ho messo su una bella SAPPHIRE RADEON X800 PRO VIVO 256MB. Non appena ho provato LFS tutto era migliorato; una fluidità delle immagini invidiabile, graficamente eccezionale. Numero di FPS in game dai 100 in su. A volte meno, dipende dalle auto in corsa.
Arrivo al dunque. Ho provato a fare un giro ma non appena toccavo minimamente il joystik per girare, la sterzata era velocissima da renderla incontrollabile. Ho provato a diminuire tutti i valori che conosco e che sono legati allo sterzo ma niente; sono riuscito a risolvere il problema solo in un modo che a mio avviso è allucinante. Ho limitato gli FPS in game diminuendoli a 25. Ma vi pare normale che ho una scheda video veramente buona non la posso utilizzare al meglio? http://www.gtitalia.org/forum/style_emoticons/default/g.gif
Illuminatemi. http://www.gtitalia.org/forum/ ... emoticons/default/sad.gif
Blank; somewhat strange what has succeeded one to me to which I do not know to give one explanation; I hope that someone of you instead knows to say to me like never. When I have installed for before time LFS my PC was equipped of one card insufficient video; graphically in fact the game did not render how much really is worth. In order to understand to us, during a contest the number of fps was around to the 20; of facts the images were sure little enviable. However it is, I have begun to play to us using the Joypad that I have punctually settato through the options of the controls, so as to to obtain with the movement of the small joystik, one steered more regular possible, above all as far as the speed of such movement.
After some month finally I have changed to card video and I have put on one beautiful SAPPHIRE RADEON X800 FOR ALIVE 256MB. As soon as I do not have tried LFS all it was improved; one fluidity of the images enviable, graphically exceptional. Number of FPS in game from the 100 in on. To times less, it depends on the cars in race. Arrival to therefore. I have tried to go around but not as soon as I touched the joystik minimally in order to turn, the sudden turn was fastest to render it uncontrollable. I have tried to diminish all the values that I know and that they are legacies to the steering but nothing; they are successful to resolve the single problem in a way that to my warning is hallucinatory. I have limited the FPS in game diminishing them to 25. But it is possible that I have a card truly good video I cannot use it to the maximum? Illuminated to me.