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S2 licensed
please stop, I'd hate to see you get an infraction
S2 licensed
Heal rac
hurt xfr
S2 licensed
should be cleaning my royal 8=)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
S2 licensed
Look on the bright side, you live in America. A country where people can only crave about. Take scrabby for instance... Now keep that chin up! 2012 Presidential elections are coming up and I'll be darned if you don't participate.
S2 licensed
Flame, were talking dark violet kind of black.. not mochalatta coffee black.
S2 licensed
I keep pushing off the fact the that i'll someday meet a girl and get married. I mean, thats the way its supposed to be? Or it was has to be, right?! Well that was when I was 13 yrs old. Day in and day out making myself believe that these things will happen naturally sooner or later. Well, im 22 and nothing has happened. Tonight I face the fact. Tonight t'll the day I die. I will remain forever alone. Yes, the only vagina I've ever gotten is the one I came out of. So if you do ask me If I'm a virgin. Then I'll gloomily say, No.
S2 licensed
Quote from shashdev :You haven't even been racing in the demo for a month. The people who have been getting these licenses have thousands of kilometers and years of time on demo. Sorry dude, but you're probably not going to get it (because you really don't deserve it).

Invalid statement. I had about 2kms driven, asked nicely for an s2, got it. It's all about the approach and what mood the givers in.
S2 licensed
my right hand and occasionally my left on holidays
S2 licensed
is Canadian. must be good guy
S2 licensed
and feeling sadness toward another allows you to degrade another for not feeling the same way? besides it's not like his some sort of a religious figure nor a family member. the hell with him. if it's morals, America can you teach you a thing or two about that. Oh and I speak on behalf all Americans when I say this.
S2 licensed
Think s2 will keep me entertained t'll this new comes out. I guess the more time they take,
S2 licensed
I don't see the problem about not feeling sad about the photo? If you can't handle that, then your gutted in life as he was, honestly.
S2 licensed
And I though this was a cold world. As hard and as strange it might be, I, USRacer, thank you for this gift. Thats all you get. Cheers.
Last edited by USRacer, .
S2 licensed
Offering a gift to a trolling demo user?! Are you mad?! I have better odds screwing an African chick and getting aids...wait what..remember infants, keep off the pills. Damn, I wonder how many of you guys hate my guts right now. Truth is, if I can't troll on the forum, where else can I relieve my inner expressions? If I did it in RL, I'd probably would've been given 25 to life before I could even walk. Maybe this is who I am. An individual with a sole purpose to entertain, anger, or satisfy those who enter my dome. And for the haters.. I'm no troll, I'm no internet warrior. I am but a man, a creature like you, roaming this vast forum..
Last edited by USRacer, .
S2 licensed
s2 is just a fancy word for ''cracked game with an online feature''

I'll have what S14 had.
S2 licensed
Has a fetish for old men with long brown gizmos in their mouths.
S2 licensed
thinks posting a compliment will get him laid.
S2 licensed
Makes assumptions, generalizations, and statements based on a persons nationality. Instead of pizza, why not bring up there awfully structured cities, or there beloved 80's mopeds, or even captain Schettino. You make a mockery of us Americans fujioshi..

p.s I <3 sushi and whales... make it work.
S2 licensed
Couldn't come up with a decent porno name, so he used Oscar. Now that's a gentlemen.
S2 licensed
Seems like a great machine. Where exactly is located in the states?
S2 licensed
Thee old reverse psychology trick eh? I've seen a few back in my day and only the strong have mastered it. As for the reporting, you do what you were born to do. And for the record, I did nazi this argument coming.
S2 licensed
Enjoys hot showers and long beach walks with fellow inmates.

Quote from ATHome :A poor American citizen that couldn't afford s2 because of the USA economic hardships. May God be with him.

Also, an obvious troll.

What an ass. You don't even know him..
S2 licensed
I ****ed a piece of shit because that's what I am. My life is COMPLETE!!!!!!
S2 licensed
c'mon dude, I just pulled up my pants
^deleting and reposting makes you look like a headless turd fapping to AA battery.
Last edited by USRacer, .