N2O and LFS don't add up but I went to the Estonian Ladaclub(http://www.ladaklubi.ee/foorum/) gathering last weekend and there was a Lada 2105 with N2O tank and seeing it go was cool
Edit: N2O is for real life with real fun
Nobody should be cheating at major sportevents like Tour de France ,but I knew that he was on dope as soon as he made that impossible comeback after the collapsing in the middle of the tour and after that coming back stronger.
omg I found this today
a good tip for all:: DO NOT "hunt" NEAR YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE(street, office, class[I did that ]) coz it WILL F*** you up (seriousely)
I'm 16 years old so no humping yet
I'm currently "hunting" a "good" girl(actually2 )
For all yaa weee wankers: http://www.doubleyourdating.com/ (it helps )
I have a probl with the car: wenn I press the reset button it repairs the car but I don't want it to happen plz help
this happens in single race in both U and Q(tweaking)
I thank you for answering this
could anyone plz make me a "The Streets" drift skinn coz I'm a huge fan of Mike Skinner
P.S you can add some tuning logos too if you want
web page is: www.the-streets.co.uk
thanking you already