I don't know if the problem is in my eyes, memory or the GFX card, but I don't think the building in South City used to look like this?
The shot has been taken with my Radeon 9600 Pro drawing the scenery with 2xAA and 8xAF. I use Catalyst 5.11 drivers (tried 6.3 but it didn't do any good).
That's natural, since nearly all codes point out to several possible targets. In my opinion, those codes are good for diagnostics and evaluating possible problem areas. While my knowledge of latest machines is very limited, I still don't think there will be a ecu capable to pinpoint failure (or even fix it real-time) in near future.
That's the price we have to pay for new (and usually better) technology
Planning to buy one of these for my shifter. You wouldn't happen to remember the brand&model of the pad? The reason I'm asking: I need all buttons to share the same negative/positive lead.
I designed the shifter to work with my 6 button gameport pad, but found out that I would need to have separate +/- for each gear. And that's not acceptable, there's not enough patience built in me for that.