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S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :Does the windows look like that without AF/FSAA?

Drivers may be just bugging. I have some issues with some games that FSAA/AF don't go on with certain combinations (e.g. 6xFSAA+2xAF). Dunno why, I have had this issue with several driver versions.

So far every combination produced the same "saw-wave" fenomina..
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :...To get them anti-aliased you have to use Transparency-AA, which is still quite buggy AFAIK.

Well, that's not a problem since I can't find an option to turn it on If it's even an gfx driver option?
Anti-alias my eyes? (radeon 9600 pro problem)
S3 licensed
I don't know if the problem is in my eyes, memory or the GFX card, but I don't think the building in South City used to look like this?

The shot has been taken with my Radeon 9600 Pro drawing the scenery with 2xAA and 8xAF. I use Catalyst 5.11 drivers (tried 6.3 but it didn't do any good).

P.s. you can kick me if it's my memory...
Last edited by varjsa-9, . Reason : oopsie...
S3 licensed
Our habit to exaggerate things seems to create bad conversations
S3 licensed
David Vizard's Mini was?

Ah.. nevermind. This is a never ending story
S3 licensed
I say it's new, since it hasn't been done before

-- edit ---
By the way, where did that 100mpg come from ?

and take a look at this: http://www.guinnessworldrecord ... record.asp?recordid=43581
Last edited by varjsa-9, .
S3 licensed
Quote from alzys177 :lol.. as i said i am in the motor trade and know all about computers and ecu's on cars.. i also know how many fault codes prove untraceable even by main dealers on there own cars..

That's natural, since nearly all codes point out to several possible targets. In my opinion, those codes are good for diagnostics and evaluating possible problem areas. While my knowledge of latest machines is very limited, I still don't think there will be a ecu capable to pinpoint failure (or even fix it real-time) in near future.

Quote from alzys177 :and that is on conventional ic cars, let alone hybred cars which are even more complex....
lets not forget hybred technology is brand new to the market place and theses early cars are bound to have problems and faults not thrown up in testing as do all new concepts..

That's the price we have to pay for new (and usually better) technology
S3 licensed
Quote from alzys177 :HO MY GOD....
so many gadegts and gizmos.. would not like to be you when the ecu starts throwing out fault codes.. i am in the motor trade and main dealers have enough problems fault finding normal cars with out this little pandoras box....

but on the bright side you could be really eco friendly and recycle it into a hair dryer..

What do you mean by normal cars? I mean computers (and fault codes) have been part of this for years now.

This is the future, better get used to it
S3 licensed
There goes my theory
S3 licensed
Quote from pekkaw :Well I haven't never ever seen a car or other road vehicle that has somekind of safety switch for clutch to start (well except tractors LOL)

Neither have I. Maybe it's an automatic gearbox feature?
S3 licensed
I think what he's asking is if it's possible to select one of training scenes and save a replay of driving it.
S3 licensed
Quote from highbridge :

This looks interesting .. could you send a side view too ?
S3 licensed
Quote from Migmar :It is a proven scientific fact that the best people are born in November.


S3 licensed
At first I couldn't believe this. Damn... really sad year in rallye world.

Rest in Peace Richard.
S3 licensed
Quote from atledreier :It was a 'Rockfire USB Smarttraveller'

The axis on it are really low resolution, like 4bit or something, but it's ok for handbrake or clutch if you can adapt it mechanically. Or ever viewcontrol. Not that I need it with my TrackIR4 in the mail..

Thanks for this info.. though I was able to get my shifter working with the gameport pads cable and some diodes - very simple as a matter of fact.

I'll attach a pic, if someone if curious - also I think I've done my shifter a bit different than most of these do-it-yourself guys

Ps. casing is under construction..
S3 licensed
Quote from atledreier :Bought the cheapest USB gamepad i could find with 8 buttons. As a bonus, the pad had 2 axis too, adn I plan to make a handbrake sometime soon. Took it apart, checked the wiring and made sure all the buttons responded by a simple short. They all did. Soldered wires to all the positive leads on the buttons, and soldered the negative (common) lead to the shaft of the shifter.

Planning to buy one of these for my shifter. You wouldn't happen to remember the brand&model of the pad? The reason I'm asking: I need all buttons to share the same negative/positive lead.

I designed the shifter to work with my 6 button gameport pad, but found out that I would need to have separate +/- for each gear. And that's not acceptable, there's not enough patience built in me for that.

Thanks in forward
S3 licensed
Quote from three_jump ::iagree:
this would be really handy


..if we just could get it by next Sunday
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :you can add a Racername (the one you use to race with) in your profile and it'll show here above Join Date.

if you guys want a section here, just drop me a pm btw.

Will do so, thank you a lot. Must have missed it..

About the pm, sent one (mail) to forum admin - guessing it's you
S3 licensed
it's supposed to be .com yes .. now who's blind
S3 licensed
Quote from Palex :whats with the nick change?

I'm forced to use my license name
S3 licensed
Of course not.. I don't mind.

..But please put the www in front of the address

Sorry, I must be blind or so..

---edit 2
It's FienDi here btw.. looks like I have to use my license name for now on
Last edited by varjsa-9, . Reason : fix&repair