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sites not working for me
S2 licensed
Quote from whitey6272 :Did i say it was the best? im asking for people to bump it up best or not... illepall

though i dont think thats right, i voted good for it anyway lmao
S2 licensed
its pretty hard to put fear into a video game.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Sorry, I was in a bit of a bad mood last night.

so drifting is a bad thing?

S2 licensed
nice!! but those other cars were going REALLY REALLY slow, which took away alot from it. nice pass anyway tho
S2 licensed
by setting the race to 1 lap....
S2 licensed
also, imo yes like taa said it should be in smaller groups. like in groups of 5. its so much easier that way.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Overall I think I can see what you were trying to do, but in my humble opinion I think it failed; badly.

  • Disagreement from a few instructors - sending mixed messages.
  • Poor coordination - Pretty obvious, and I understand that it comes with practise.
  • Demo's over the 'net will rarely work. Theres too much lag between actual input and what we see rendered.
  • A lot of the talks could've been written before hand, and been reading homework - this would've created less boredom.
  • 2 or 3 at a time after talks, whilst a good idea, didnt seem to work imho. I for one, havent a clue what was said about my performance on various tasks. By the time I got to look it was past the history.
  • Mass mob mentality - nothing the instructors could do on their part, its a bit of a flaw with LFS / any online game in this respect.
  • Some of the staff / instructors seemed to be taking this as a chance to show off on occasion.
  • Constructive criticism seemed to just vanish.
  • Lots of "well done" comments for those that impressed and deserved it, especially increasing towards the end.
  • [Mostly] High Quality Demo's.
  • 1 starting point caused much hilarity. This needs to be kept.
To be brutally honest, I've felt like I've pissed away 2 and a half hours of my life. I totally appreciate what was put in front of us, the amount of work required by the organisers to do this, and the resources needed (thanks clownpaint). But it just seemed to be the text I've read before regurgitated, and spat out at me in a different format. I dont feel like I've learnt much new, just had a limited chance to practise infront of those that I respect, and feel like a bit of a dick to be honest.

The school is a good idea, but perhaps its better for smaller sessions. Like you would experience in real life, 3/4 instructors couldnt teach 20 others to drive. Its impossible. Understandably this would take up more time in the short term, but racers like myself who possibly need more pointers than Tristan or Hyperactive (for example) would perhaps benefit from this setup more.

Just some food for thought.

yup, i agree with your point on showing off. it came from me too. but first times dont always go well, and im sure once we get the hang of things it will go alot better!
S2 licensed
YAY gonna try it soon!
S2 licensed
Haha, defused font is great pdanev isnt it?

nice job on both of them
S2 licensed
OT : AWESOME avatar hardcoreobscure
S2 licensed
so whats for lunch today?
S2 licensed
Quote from P@ul :nice nice ......



k, calm down.
S2 licensed
OT :

WTF!?! look at tristans skin, and it says his name. if i scroll left and right, it dissapears part of it, and vice versa illepallillepall
S2 licensed
it looks like a crack in the road really. i just looked at it ingame, the one parts higher than the other by a bit. all citys have cracks in the road, and well, all those bumps in south city are what..make it a city

imo it should stay their
S2 licensed
congrats scawen! best wishes to you!
S2 licensed
any screens?
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :Just send anyone speaking without rising his hands running around aston historic for ten laps!!!

haha, we should also make a skin that says dunce all over it, and make then wear it
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Yeah of course - the question is, does a tyre that is spun x times in a set amount of time with a fixed amount of force pressing it against the road generate the same heat as a dirty one under the same conditions?

S2 licensed
lol tristan

anyway, lfs won best game of the year on bhm for a reason, so its definatly worth a buy.
S2 licensed
yup seems fine for me. ill have to double check though
S2 licensed
wow you have a ****ed up mind.
S2 licensed
Quote from pdanev :A poster like thing.

And another dark edit.

very nice!!!
S2 licensed
did you get away from that on all 4 wheels on the track? if so, im impressed
S2 licensed
one word : torrents