Travelled distance: 21327 Km
Fuel burnt: 3749 Ltr
Laps: 5421
Hosts joined: 1048
Races won: 290
Second: 212
Third: 191
Finished: 1153
Qualifications: 14
Pole Positions: 0
Drags / Wins: 1
XFG 0:30.17 01:07.330 1:33.980 h WR-diff +0:01.240 3161 laps 1.22% fuel 2 Apr 2013, 22:41
XRG 0:30.61 01:07.870 1:35.020 WR-diff +0:02.660 226 laps 1.15% fuel 4 Apr 2013, 20:38
FBM 0:24.010 0:53.400 1:13.980 h WR-diff +0:02.300 1600 laps 1.27% fuel 24 Mar 2013, 06:53
Hello, I improved more since my last post in this topic and I think that this I have done for these months is good as stats.I improved my pbs a lot,did finished races more than 1000 (as a criteria), have a uploaded hotlap with XFG which is in within 107% to WR.The only thing I do not have are kilometers.It isn't hard to make it, but how are things change.I hope these stats are enough.Thanks!