Hi i have low FPS but on a new comp just wondering is it my video card or something else :
operating system: Operating System: Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium* , (6.0.6000)
comp: acer aspire l320
RAM: 1015
Proccesor: intel(R) core(TM)2 CPU 4400 @ 2.00 GHz
video card: * Accelerator Information *
Accelerator in Use: Intel(R) 946GZ Express Chipset Family
Video BIOS: 1377
Current Graphics Mode: 1024 by 768 True Color (75 Hz)
thats all information that i think you would find useful could someone help me as my fps is around 9-20 which is annoying because when i got the game i got 9-20 then for a month it went to around 30 and suddenly it came back down? if its any help i use a G25?
So if i have a G25 i have it at 270 degrees what sort of compensation should i have it at for smooth driving i have it at 0.0 at the moment but it is a bit twitchy in fbm
Hi i have had my g25 for over a month now and i have been using 270Degrees i am pretty good but not really that competetive but i want to win in Crta server 1 so i need a good setup for my g25 to use with a XFG can anyone tell me what ff level i should have or what degrees i should have.
I am already a good karter come 1st quite alot and i have found that laying on lfs hasnt affected my karting one bit neither have a gained or lost anything since i started this post i have been karting and theres no difference thanks for all the help people
hi i do have a g25 but i dont showoff saying i got one i just saw someone else put g25 in there name so i thought i would it dosent change anything only a few letters in MY name which only conserns ME!
(and any admins if its rude)
Hi i have adobe ps and want to create some skins but dont know how to i get the files off master skinnerz but adobe says does not recognise file type plz help me.
and when i have done them can anyone tell me how to download them to lfs.
intrepid what do u race obviously its a 2-stroke but it sounds like a quick one. and are u envolved in any championships like msa, brks, motors tv championship.
the thing about karting is-here come the science-it has a speed ration of 3 to 1 which means ur so close to the ground that when ur doing around 60-85 down a straight it feels a lot quicker than a car doing 60-85mph. and anyone who says karting is for wimps who dont want to drive cars is clearly stupid as karts are just as dangerous as cars and in some cases just as hard to drive.
if u dont kart then u have no idea about karting it is rather different from LFS and driving a car so u shut up u idiot and stop being so nasty to people and thanks intrepid for the answer i not so worried now
ye but does it take long to go from LFS to karting as i have a test day before i start the championship will this be enough time to get used to my kart steering from the difference of a G25.
Hi i was just wondering if playing lfs on my G25 (which is crap) can affect my karting as i get used to the 900degree on the G25 it can affect me driving 90degree turning in a kart could someone who does karting please back this up for me as i have the new season starting soon and i am quite worried. and to not waste space with another thread could someone help me with my G25 as i hate it its really twitchy and hard to race i got all right degrees for cars and i got 102% ffb affect
Age:15 nearly
Milage In LFS:1128ml
Experience:?dunno what u mean
And some other stuff about yourself :do karting i am good also i got a g25 so i should be good when i learn to use it
Why you want to join: because there arnt any other good teams team promotech is a joke being run by a demoer