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S3 licensed
April of 04 for me... I still pop in and look around. If anyone ever got ctra working again I would likely come back. She just sort of lost her luster after that fell out. A distinct lack of any new cars in a decade doesn't help me want anything but a pop into single player now and again either.
The physics are still fabulous. I miss it quite a bit sometimes.
S3 licensed
That being said: I don't regret S1, or 2! not even remotely. I adore the experience I had with LFS, and I still feel it's the best feeling tire wise sim out there. But it's time has past. The devs let the engine and the community stagnate until no one save a few even care now.

I popped in to see just that, but "S3" is an insult to people who were there when S1 and 2 went out.
S3 licensed
That is because there was a genuine difference between pre S1, S1, and S2.

What's the difference between S2 and 3?

a track? Seriously? How much kool aid have you had today?
S3 licensed
How about not trying to charge people 12 pounds for one bloody track and "maybe we'll do more stuff later" eh?

Considering it's been what, 8 years?


just go open source or something, leave the master server on for as long as you can... *shrug*
S3 licensed ... aspx?Item=N82E16813157329

I've had good luck with ASROCK in the past.

It seems like a subsidary of ASUS, in chinese production. I've had an old AM2+ board from them for the last 5 years, and it's seen more than it's fair share of overclocking with my Phenom II 940.

I've used ASROCK in other systems as well, so ... yeah. high quality DDR3 is becoming very available (Team) memory has DDR3 2400 as cheap as ANYONE's 1600 ram. 70-80 bucks for 8gb. So could possibly be a huge upgrade path in the near future.
S3 licensed
You bunch of cryers: You obviously never had experience with a real pile of "this is going to be the best thing -ever-", and seeing the "progress" reports from westracing's "Racing Legends"


you guys cry vaporware at the drop of a hat, I don't think you've an idea what it really is...
S3 licensed
Holy Moses, Moose joined Radicals? ha! I remember beta testing the "new" CTRA system with halford's celtic, niels, stableX, myself, and with you, and everyone else, for the B&J nights, ect.

if something similar came back, you can bet I'd knock the rust offa my digital wheel bearings.

I went to platinum BASICALLY from STD racing. period. lol. I did some TBO racing towards the end of my LFS days back then, and a lot of B&J before it was said & done, but I loved the general discipline that was achieved with the old CTRA servers.

Yeah there were some dive bombers. but even they figured out that you only lose a race in T1L1, not win after a few dummy checks.

I took a lot of pride that I seldom qualified well, but nearly always finished much better, having picked quite a few off when the laps started counting down for real.
S3 licensed
By all means guys, kids, whatevers, keep arguing, but for the love of pete someone explain to me the appeal of "cruising"? I mean seriously? Do you guys not have licenses, or a car worth shining up? And cruising in? You pay money? MONEY? For perks, to -drive-, not race, not recieve expert instruction on lines, theory, and etiquite on a server? Really? really...

I don't even go into LFS without operating at the tires' limits. w.. I'm ... I'm at a loss.
S3 licensed
I've said it once...

We need a mid engined contender for the TBO Class. Whether it's a mid engine v6, or a turbo 4, doesn't matter. something akin to the MR2 Turbo.

We need a ~270-300 horsepower 3200-3500lb V8 Pony car that fits in with the TBO class as well. I don't know about playing nice, but a live axle v8 coupe would have an extremely distinct set of advantages and disadvatages that could prove interesting in competition. We also have NO LIVE AXLES in lfs. Another feather in the cap.

There could be a lowly model to run with the XR/XF, sporting a large displacement V6 with relatively low output and decent torque in a 3100lb chassis. Think 2005 era Ford Mustang or 1997 LT1 Camaro Z28 and their v6 little sisters.

Who's to say a one off vision old school muscle car wouldn't come of that rear suspension endevour as well? 4 speed locked ratio transmission, adjustable final only, big rip roaring v8 musclecar, nearly non existant brakes! bias ply style tires that just have horrid grip, and worse temperture characteristics!

We need a big 3400 lb 800 horsepower "stock car" we just do. shut it.
Live axle experiment will make that possible as well.

We need an "updated" F1 Chassis, and leave the old sauber in there for kicks and colour. Perhaps a nastalgic "prancing horse" V12 F1 car from the 90's if we're feeling awesome and productive.

We need Rally Cars! a short wheelbase, and a lil longer wheelbase, is likely all we'll need. a hatch, and a sedan. with barely legal DOT race tyres they can compete in a touring car like class with the "new" XFR and XRT TC Spec

XFR output Needs to be boosted to close to 300 horsepower, fixed rear, and an adjustable splitter downforce. perhaps even some tire tweaks to help keep the understeer sane.

there needs to be an XRT - TC which is basically the XRT in an XFR style setting. boosted power (~300 hp) on racey barely legal DOT competition tires, rollcage, limited downforce, nothing like the full on XRT. More of a touring car to run with the XFT and the rallycars on touring spec tires. (FINALLY!?)

A Prototype racer would be just fantastic.

But really, that said, the plate would be full just like that, would it not?
S3 licensed
A little trick you can try, is going into ATi/AMD's control panel, and upping the "filter" region of the anti aliasing options.

on screen sprites, and I -believe- don't throw tomatoes if it doesn't work, but I think shadows will be smoothed as well.

Better bring a real video card though.
My 4870 1gb eats it alive all cranked up at 1080p. Your results may vary.
S3 licensed
It's dust! Aren't you a dandy! I remember you from the old CTRA Servers! Good to see ya again.

Oh, and bye mental. I guess. Whatever.
S3 licensed
there needs to be more rally (cross?) stages, some rally specific cars besides the base cars, and the RB4.

I think the standards need more cars. A larger (200 hp, 3400-600lb FF) saloon for instance to run with the XF/XR. An underpowered midship car ala Pontiac Fiero v6/Nonturbo MR2 would be fantastic for it as well.

TBO needs one or two more choices, like a V8 ponycar on the same sort of playing field with a live axle to trifle with, something new, and different, you know!

There should be a few cars to give the mid engine supercar a run for it's money LX8?!...

I'd like a few new track settings, I don't want new "south city" tracks, ect.
S3 licensed
He came up with the names because they're stones.

Emeralds are generally Green, Mica is typically Black.
S3 licensed
Cool, so I can spank you at aston and westhill circuits too!
S3 licensed
I don't know, that movie just didn't do it for me. *shrugs* I give it a 6/10
S3 licensed
Really need to fix that inconsistancy of the striping along your B-pillar. other than that, that's top notch looking, so far

*ninjaedit* ... Actually. That looks akin to the car (s) in the photos, my bad. Cheers mate.
S3 licensed
Mid. we already have a rear engine.
S3 licensed
Then how does one who is extremely talented, but short on sit around and crunch credits time enter a supertalented event for formulas, or GTR's or what have you?


Can't say I like the idea.
S3 licensed
Erm.... Riverside, ... is now a mini-mall, ... and some housing complexes.

*shakes fist at californian bastards*
S3 licensed
Would it not be sweet to have a supercharged UF for the TBO class? with with a lot more style, and what have you, ... more like today's MINI S, with it's small displacement + blower format. Could be interesting to try and get used to yeah?

Granted, I'd much rather see a supercharged midship engine car to compete in the TBO class with... Something akin in spirit to the Mr2, or Pontiac Fiero, Fiat X1/9, whatever the case, or mix may be. A standard, and TBO version could both have merit, and would make for a superbly interesting RallyX car as well.


Been talked about? I'm rehashing? ... comments?
A huge kudos to the UKCT team
S3 licensed
The servers are back up (at least temporarily) and I can't those those responsible enough for that sort of attention. a top notch move, I'll say. And while I don't know what's next for the folks at SRA/STCC/UKCT... what have you, I hope it doesn't take the system long to adapt.


New/Old tracks
S3 licensed
I realize it's quite a stretch to think that the team will go out of their way, and budget for a current-day track liscense to include them in LFS, yes yes.

but what about a track that no longer exists? Hard to rather trademark and copywrite that eh? Riverside California, for example. that would be a righteous circuit to have, honestly. I know there are other fantastic circuits of the like that could be modelled fairly well?

if I could have a current day track though, I'd vote Lime Rock Park.

way off topic. what's everyone think of that idea?
S3 licensed
I highly, Highly doubt that.

the big companies are too busy studying profit margins to make anything this in depth, and focused.


The end.

Bring me more LFS, please.
S3 licensed
I love the movie idea. love the music too.

crash should've been far more violent I think though. considering the undertones of dying in a car wreck. should've experimented and kept plugging away till you got one of those vicious tire-catching rolls that seem to snap along and tear the car to pieces.


I give it a definate 6.5 or 7. the music could've been faded out before the next verse instead of being cut off... however I give the music a 9. I'm tired of the same cruddy happy-go-lucky or screamo song with my automotive carnage.