Are you aware that you'll never get this "drift" car...
Just notice that the cars setup are adjustable just like on a drift car with big camber! The power is not here but the tire burn so fast that more power would be useless! The only thing drifters might need is the 45° maximum lock which is also not a "must to have" since people with skills can handle big drift angle.
Before even think about get a drift dedicated car, it would be better for the devs to fix the tires problem, because actually a "500hp S15 JDM Yoooooooo" would be just useless....
And thanks but I know the difference between a stock car and a drift car, I've been to Japan twice and have some friends there who practice drift and their cars are closer (in tuning level) to an XRT than a big D1 grand prix monster.....
I see that you have nothing to DO to search my posts like this! Actually I've say my opinion on those posts, to point out something that is a fact (arab drift is stupid), while you just post to point out that people made bump on posts....
ps : just look back on how you've act on lfs torque and why you're banned from there (mostly the reason why you stay here now and on lfsfrance....)
I'am mostly a drifter, but I'am also a "racer" and I'am in both drift and race team (JDM*F and FRH)! I've voted no, since XRT and FZ5 can already be called drift cars since they drift well!
The real drifting community of LFS (which is not here) of LFS torque even don't create shitty threads like this because we're plain satisfied with the cars we have.
LFS dont need a "drift" car, drift need to be performed by someone who have skills....
Its not JDM AT ALL...
JDM means Japanese Domestic Market which means the cars completely stock made in Japan! So low ridez wiz spinnaz and big eggzast are not JDM in any way.
A JDM car is just what you get from the car dealer when you buy a car in Japan.
But JDM is shit now, the new wave is on the USDM.
Blah blah!!
So rock'n roll is deserved to be made only by whites! Jazz just fit with black people... I can extend to every music style, its so cliché...
Lot of french hip hop is made by black people from the "ghetto".
Your argue is shit, stop live in the past with your 2pac, Nbig and DrDre! You like them, its cool for you but again you don't own THE TRUTH.