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Quote from the stick :Is there any way to add more steering angle or power?

Adjust the front toe.
S2 licensed
Quote from ELPAPAELOSHALAOS :you can do that 180sx drift spec interior for XRG please???

"Drift spec" lol...
S2 licensed
Quote from drift King Cz :touge Is A Narrow Road In Mountains Or Around Mountains.

And By The Way Sorry, Falkentaka, I'm Sure It Was A Lot Of Work To Do This Layout, But I Still See Only Normal Fern Bay And Bariers Next To The Road .

S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :wauw are you stupid!!!

i only use 1 emoticon ffs and some of the posts dont even have emoticons, and uhhhhh.................... shut up

PS read better next time, Thanks

Dont care 'bout him! He's just here to be a smart ass.
S2 licensed
Hi guys! I've been away since long time, but I will be soon back among us!!!

Stay tuned I'am back!
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :what I meant was "you can understand japanese?"

Yes in a certain limit!
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :You actually can read that?

I actually can since I've enable the japanese caracters + I can read japanese caracters.
S2 licensed
When I saw that the title was writed with random katakana, I've just skiped the "watching videos" part....
S2 licensed
Its boring, I close the window after 30sec watching.
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ONLY if he improves the quality of his next videos 12 18.75% No, he should not 8 12.50%

Hahaha, I think those people had bad comments on their videos

I've voted YES since your vids are good!
S2 licensed
Quote from batteryy :your gonna put burning banana right?im not cracker i just play patch X sometimes. and i have patch Y

No I haven't quoted for this (even don't noticed the "demo racer" mention)!

The "Japan "art"" mention just make me
S2 licensed
Quote from batteryy :i like it, i like japan art.

My latest skin

S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Tristan, even only just reading your final post here, I can see that once again, I can, but only agree with you 100%.

Drift car is a stupid idea, There is no difference between a 'drift' car and a race car anyway, both slicks/racing seats/racing suspension/racing engines, the only thing that is different is the setup...... The GTR XRR actually looks alot like something you would see in D1GP, so instead of making a new car and wasting time, why not make the car more driftable, because to me, it's a REAL hard one to keep a slide going, unless someone can prove otherwise, and go against this idea futhermore!


NO, not on a drift car
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :I'm skilled.

Smurfen did it, that's our secret.

Nice cotton wool imitation
S2 licensed
Quote from Dawen :lol... those cars are able to drift but are NOT drift cars... every RWD car are able to "drift" but a car made for drifting are able to DRIFT... if you had ever seen or driven drifting IRL you would know the difference between for example a stock volvo 740 and a S15 silvia... yes the volvo is really fun to ride sideways and are able to drift but it is just not the same thing as a silvia
I never said I need a drift car... I said I want a drift car to make it more fun than it already is...
The talk about skills don´t give anything to this discussion... do you really think that every one that want a new car aren´t able to handle the ones we have?

by the way...
You don´t think that the threads are created here because the developers might read the threads here?
I don´t understand why you need to whine about that some people want a new car that are able to drift better, they won´t take away the cars you like to drive to add another car... just don´t drive the new one if there ever would be any... use your powerful drifting skills to drive the great drift car FZ5 instead

Are you aware that you'll never get this "drift" car...
Just notice that the cars setup are adjustable just like on a drift car with big camber! The power is not here but the tire burn so fast that more power would be useless! The only thing drifters might need is the 45° maximum lock which is also not a "must to have" since people with skills can handle big drift angle.
Before even think about get a drift dedicated car, it would be better for the devs to fix the tires problem, because actually a "500hp S15 JDM Yoooooooo" would be just useless....

And thanks but I know the difference between a stock car and a drift car, I've been to Japan twice and have some friends there who practice drift and their cars are closer (in tuning level) to an XRT than a big D1 grand prix monster.....
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Who's talking of bitchin post?

Just shut it up when you've got nothing to said dude...

I see that you have nothing to DO to search my posts like this! Actually I've say my opinion on those posts, to point out something that is a fact (arab drift is stupid), while you just post to point out that people made bump on posts....

ps : just look back on how you've act on lfs torque and why you're banned from there (mostly the reason why you stay here now and on lfsfrance....)
S2 licensed
Quote from mrminor28 :its looking very nice i found new style on dorifting pics editing

I found that spell drifting like that sounds stupid (if you wanna make it sound like a crappy japanese accent "dorifuchingu" would be better)...

Click for 1280x1024
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Congratulation for bumping 11-months old topic. It's the video that made me discover & buy Live For Speed though. Always nice to rewatch.

Congratulation for doing a nice bitchin post just to point out that he bump the topic....
S2 licensed
Quote from Dawen :The problem is that 134 drifters ( maby some of them are racers ) says yes we need a car for drifting, and 166 racers ( some of them are of course drifters too ) says that the drifters don´t need a car... This vote don´t say what we really need it only says that there are more racers than drifters in this game... of course the racers don´t need a car with more steering lock... I guess the numbers had been different if this thread only had been answered by drifters...
I know this is a racing sim but as we all know there are alot of people who drift in this sim too, why don´t let them have something just for them instead of whining that it´s a racing sim only when it is obvious that it´s a great sim for drifting too?

I'am mostly a drifter, but I'am also a "racer" and I'am in both drift and race team (JDM*F and FRH)! I've voted no, since XRT and FZ5 can already be called drift cars since they drift well!
The real drifting community of LFS (which is not here) of LFS torque even don't create shitty threads like this because we're plain satisfied with the cars we have.
LFS dont need a "drift" car, drift need to be performed by someone who have skills....
S2 licensed
The same turn with the same crappy angle/high fov (and also the same aliasing)...
S2 licensed
I just see that I've "double posted" like a big noob! Shame on me!!
S2 licensed
I wasn't in JDM*F when I did this but I can do the same kicking a$$ screens right now!


Everyone had is own style, mine rocks
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :'JDM Style' is not to have your fart can scrapping the ground. It's not even a real term. It's true that Japanese drifters do put their car really low with a lot of camber, but it's not exclusively JDM...

Its not JDM AT ALL...
JDM means Japanese Domestic Market which means the cars completely stock made in Japan! So low ridez wiz spinnaz and big eggzast are not JDM in any way.
A JDM car is just what you get from the car dealer when you buy a car in Japan.
But JDM is shit now, the new wave is on the USDM.
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :oh sorry, I didn't mean to call it music...Im with you on that point though, it's just a drummachine and somebody talking to the rhytm...

I know one essential thing that can not be denied - real hip hop = Black people FROM the ghetto, who have been to prison basically say that their lives suck, but they still stand tough with some beats put to it...
I believe that is enough to put basically EVERY white rapper (or French or Norwegian or any other country but USA) out of the definition of real Hip Hop...
Your "Foreign Hip Hop" is a cheap shot trying to get a few bucks on a popular theme (just like modern hip hop which is defined as R'n'B and is all about "LOOKIE AT ME SPINNAZ YO")
If you state that "Foreign Hip Hop" artists can be compared to people like 2Pac, Notorious B.I.G., Dr.Dre, then you really should learn what Hip Hop (and RAP particulary) really is about

Blah blah!!
So rock'n roll is deserved to be made only by whites! Jazz just fit with black people... I can extend to every music style, its so cliché...
Lot of french hip hop is made by black people from the "ghetto".
Your argue is shit, stop live in the past with your 2pac, Nbig and DrDre! You like them, its cool for you but again you don't own THE TRUTH.
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :let me get this straight, I am discriminating white people by saying they don't look good with hip hop... if so, I am a racist...

(Cypress Hill, that is one exception, I agree... and the French rap...I only heard about One Shot, and they have a FEW tracks that can be called RAP if im honest)

Learn more about foreign hip hop and then you can speak! Your tastes are yours so don't say things like they are THE truth....