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This could be the last chance to participate for this special 24h Racing Event upcoming this Saturday. Only a few sloots are available. Visit the DoP – SignIn Server.

  • Some Drivers have to do their minimum laps (75)
  • Teamleader have to close their teams
  • and last but not least: Don't forget to do your qualify
Team Mindfactory stay ahaed of the grid in both classes N-GTR and LX6 and they have especially in the LX6 an incredible speed. :eye-poppi

Have Fun and Keep Racing

S3 licensed
Klick for Grid ... php?navigation=dop_ teams

Sign In is always open for less free places.
Keep Racing
S3 licensed
ATTENTION: You need to drive at least 75 laps to get the permission to participate!
S3 licensed
not the first 'comeback'er' for this event
S3 licensed ... hreadID=4113&2d577712

allowed car classes:

* LRF (LX6 / RAC / FZ50)
* TBO (FXO, GT, RB4)
S3 licensed
At First: English is requiered. Please read this to have no disadvantages :!:

To do's
* you have to do your registration directly at the BurnoutCrew LFS-DoP SignIn Server! This server is on, sign ins at least now possible
* starting Permission in generell: first in - first serve
* please, take care of your common team tag. That's important!
* if your team will participate, you have to sign in.

The first participant / founder of a team is automaticly the teamleader and may handle some team-specific things. The teamleader chooses the team-tag and the car-class. The car is selected by the driver doing some laps on the qualification server. Changing car won't be possible afterwards. If the team-leader leaves the team, another team-mate becomes the leader. If the last member leaves, the team will be deleted from the database.

* registered teams will be tracked automaticly. Have a look at the DoP Website here: DoP Eventpage

-> The Qualifikation & Race server will be announced in time for train- & qualifikation sessions <-

--> The LFS Server for the DoP 2013 for this 24 hour race is open now, look for: DoP - SignIn <--


* minimum age: 16 years

Alloweded car classes

* LRF (LX6 / RAC / FZ50)
* TBO (FXO, GT, RB4)

* Scirocco (VWS) only 24h (still looking for :P)


* the Qualification would be announced in time
* each team has to do at least one qulalify lap
* each driver is limited to an amount of 10 laps, inclusive in- and out-laps (laps will be counted after first split)
* the average team time is used for qualify. No qual-lap results in a lap time of 3:00.000
* the final results and classifications may be viewed here: DoP Eventpage

Gerneral rules while racing:

* Reset on server is turned off
* No chat during start, race or pitstop
* If you have serious crashed join the box to clear the track
* By replacing or changing driver while pitstop
-> only one lap before changing you may join the server
-> and afterwards you have to leave immediatly the server!
* Drivers must not join another team while race!


* only with a very short and exact discription of the szene
* only with a *.mpr (of this stint) uplaod from this occurence
* It has to contain lap, opponent and total time


* the DoP 24h race is a teamcompetition
* the displayed trackerresult / lapcounter after the event is the temporary result
24h Aston Historic DoP 'Gone and Come Back'
S3 licensed

Dear Racers,
The BurnoutCrew invites you for having a nice and thrilling special 24h racing event! May be, you never forget. So be part of it! You're welcome!

24h Aston Historic

Requierement at least 75 driven laps [car and track combined] for each participant
Please note: General Conditions

Main Race: Jan, 19th 2013
* MEZ 09.00 (GMT 08.00): Server OPEN
* MEZ 10.00 (GMT 09.00): 24h Race START
* race: 24 hours
* changing driver is requiered
* max teams: 28 plus 4 Wildcards
* no lag lap and no restart
* yellow and blue flag are to attend
* tidy driving in the pitlane
* in general: one Admin is on the server

(if we get more SignIn's, we think about opening some more grids depending of the amount of interested teams)
dop tour 2013
S3 licensed
Plz, fix this date, the weekend of 19.-20.01.2013 for this 24h main racing event.

Do not miss the 'DoP - Gone and back again'

More informations coming soon
S3 licensed
Thx @ all for tihs great race!
Read the race report here:

Bye bye and Keep Racing!
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :You mean January, right? I don't think I slept through 10 months

uuoouhoouh.... easy to fix
Thx @ J@tko
S3 licensed

Main Race: 2nd Race / Jan, 29th 2011
* MEZ 07.00 (GMT 06.00): Server OPEN
* MEZ 08.00 (GMT 07.00): 24h Race START
* race: 24 hours
* changing driver is requiered

* no lag lap and no restart
* yellow and blue flag are to attend
* tidy driving in the pitlane
* in general: one Admin is on the server

For driver changes join the server as late as possible! After the change leave the server immediately to give the other team a chance for a change, as you would like to have too.
Otherwise a 'Drive-through-penalty' may be given therefore!

Race facts:
You will not win in the first lap, even not in the first or second corner!
* Respect competition and smaller car classes!
* Respect blue flag!
* Notice yellow flag!

Pit Stop:
For pit in and out notice the track layout, especially end of pitlane.
* Attention by pitting out! -> racing Line and end of pit lane are equal!
* By pitting out: respect traffic and blueflag by returning back on track!
Otherwise a 'Drive-through-penalty' may be given! Admins are on track!

In general valid:
Careless overtaking endangers other teams, so drive clean and fair!
While the whole race: Smaller car classes than yours are owner of the racing line!

Other Informations:
You could get all main informations here, in our DoP Forum and may be here (Tracker, Standings, LFS Remote) ... /index.php?navigation=dop

May be, we could get one of the best ip-TV's ever if all things works well and stable like server, race, tracker, HuD etc.

Keep Racing!
Last edited by Webflat, .
S3 licensed
Sign In is open for this special 24h Kyoto GP race!

Teams, times, laps, qualify and standigs are here: ... .php?navigation=dop_teams

For any any questions feel free here or in our forum: ... page=Board&boardID=87

We will race on a Xcite ( server!
Thx for this big support!

Registered Teams have to confirm again!
Last edited by Webflat, .
S3 licensed
Here are the winners of the first DoP Double Tour 2011 - Kyoto National [R]

Standigs: ... ?navigation=dop_standings

The 'Serverproblem' was even not a 'Serverproblem'. If you watch the uploaded two mpr's may be you realize five times every 1.5h - 2h only the same couple of teams like 'Hellenic Racing team, Hellenic Racing #2, Tiger Express Motorsports NGT, 'Concept Racing', 'Silver Ayer' and 'HoR' lost the connection. In their pull other player went with them.

We have had several, or better the rest of the whole grid like the three Evo-Racing, Xcite, TDRT, three BC or the winning teams in the classes without any problems. Why these bulk of discos happened, again and again with the same teams, really we don't know what it was. So, most of these involved teams were the last DoP's even with us.

These DoP Servers support the Cityliga ( since years now, without such a problem.

We feel sorry with the teams.

Quote from kai0r :

What was the problem last year ? irrc it was nobody could connect to the server anymore during the race which lead into a RED Flag and race restart after 8 hours last year.

The great disconnect last year was my horrible mistake. I used a very good insim Admin tool, but joined the race as driver. A very big fault. So that was last year on me. You can see this, as i try to join the box while Admin tool still runnig
Last edited by Webflat, .
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] : .... Anyway I'm affraid Tiger Express NGT's venture in this race has to come to an end. We will come back on track at the end of the race to take the chequered flag, just for the sport, if allowed.

We are very sorry! It is allowed!
S3 licensed
+++ reminder +++
[KY2R] - Nov, 27th 2010 // Briefing and racereports
S3 licensed

* Nov, 26th 2010: LFS 'DoP - Sign In' Server is closing at MEZ 21.00 (GMT 20.00)
* Nov, 26th 2010: LFS 'DoP - Qualify' Server is closing at MEZ 22.00 (GMT 21.00)
* Each team has to do at least one qualify lap!
* Close your teams, if you want (The Leader has this option)
* If you have unkown drivers in your team, the leader could kick these mates

Race permission denied:
* Teams without a driven qualify lap will be deleted and could not join the grid.
* Single drivers teams will be deleted (it is a teamevent)

Main Race: 1st Race / Nov, 27th 2010
* MEZ 07.00 (GMT 06.00): Server OPEN
* MEZ 08.00 (GMT 07.00): 12h Race START

* race: 12 hours
* pitstop and changing driver is requiered
* no lag lap and no restart
* yellow and blue flag are to attend
* tidy driving in the pitlane
* in general: one Admin is on the server

Be on track 20 min before start!

Only the start driver is allowed to join the server!

For driver changes join the server as late as possible! After the change leave the server immediately to give the other team a chance for a change, as you would like to have too.
Otherwise a 'Drive-through-penalty' may be given therefore!

Race facts:
You will not win in the first lap, even not in the first or second corner!
* Respect competition and smaller car classes!
* Respect blue flag!
* Notice yellow flag!

Pit Stop:
For pit in and out notice the track layout, especially end of pitlane.
* Attention by pitting out! -> racing Line and end of pit lane are equal!
* By pitting out: respect traffic and blueflag by returning back on track!
Otherwise a 'Drive-through-penalty' may be given! Admins are on track!

In general valid:
Careless overtaking endangers other teams, so drive clean and fair!
While the whole race: Smaller car classes than yours are owner of the racing line!

Other Informations:
You could get all main informations here, in our DoP Forum and may be here (Tracker, Standings, LFS Remote) ... /index.php?navigation=dop
S3 licensed
We have an extended Qualify: Please notice these new times now.
Deadline for 75 required online laps is starting the race.

Nov, 26th 2010: LFS 'DoP - Sign In' Server is closing at MEZ 21.00 (GMT 20.00)
Nov, 26th 2010: LFS 'DoP - Qualify' Server is closing at MEZ 22.00 (GMT 21.00)
S3 licensed
Quote from Hahmo :Actually I will not race in the first race, probably not in the second one either

You have signed in Є-Team GTR #2 as Є. M.Rauti, please try to be fair as we are. If you don't wanna race it is ok, but don't flame here.

We have our third DoP in a row, 26 Teams signed - we really all enjoy this race.

Last edited by Webflat, .
S3 licensed
The qualify is just running, and a few driver have done their first timed practice. LFS Server: DoP - Qualify

Now, the validated grid offers following free places:

GTR: 2
N-GTR: 1
LRF: 3

Mode: First In / First Serve

Qualifikation and Teams: ... /index.php?navigation=dop

next steps:
Nov, 26th 2010: LFS 'DoP - Sign In' Server is closing at MEZ 13.00 (GMT 12.00)
Nov, 26th 2010: LFS 'DoP - Qualify' Server is closing at MEZ 14.00 (GMT 13.00)
S3 licensed
Posted as LFS World News and even here. Remember the important dates! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

We are in time, you too? If not, please get ready and stay tuned with your teammates for these upcoming DoP 2011 dates:

Nov, 19th 2010
: Signed in 'One Man Teams' will be deleted.
Nov, 21th 2010: LFS 'DoP - Qualify' Server is open
Nov, 26th 2010: LFS 'DoP - Sign In' Server is closing at MEZ 13.00 (GMT 12.00)
Nov, 26th 2010: LFS 'DoP - Qualify' Server is closing at MEZ 14.00 (GMT 13.00)
Nov, 26th 2010: LFS DoP - 'Last Briefing' MEZ 18.00 (GMT 17.00)

Last chance for creating, joining and changing teams and driver is
Nov, 26th 2010: MEZ 12.59 (GMT 11.59)

Teams without any driven qualify lap / time will be deleted without exception!

Please use your last chance to enter the Grid in the GTR/N-GTR at Nov, 19th 2010 before Qualify starts. So, deleted Teams open up a starting permission for other teams, basically by first in - first serve ***

Now, there're free places in the LRF Class. Remember without any false modesty this is the supreme discipline with most action during a 12 hour endurance race. It is the only class with a teams named 'Golden Ayer'. So, have fun!

Back to serious. We have got with 'ev0»Racing B to teh F' the defending Champions in the GTR Class, Winner of DoP Tour 2010 and 2009! Now, 'Hillen' and 'bOrn' starts the third time in their LFS career this difficulty multiclass endurance event. Could they win a third time in a row? Both drivers are meanwhile very experienced in saftey, constand and fast driving. The favorites evO>>Racing Team.

The N-GTR competition is even more exciting than last year. The defendig team Xcite starts again in the DoP 2011 Double Tour. HoR announced silent ambitions this year. Times, drivers and sets are proven. eXtrem Racing is back on track, too. The gap is closed to the top. Next step is the Qualify - only 10 laps, we expect a thrilling time.

Yes the LRF-Class is like a supreme discipline in the LFS-Szene, much hated or much loved. 'Golden Ayer' is competitive, more competitive than ev0»Racing #LRF? Not only speed is priority, as well as patience, like the Desire of Patience Tour is. This year finally the best of two top races, Kyoto 12h and 24h!

Keep Racing!

Fahrer, Freunde und Ayer der DoP,

obige News ist als LFS World News eingetütet und wartet immo auf das Approval zur Veröffentlichung. Bei englischen Texten schwingt immer die Sorge des Verfassers mit sich nicht gänzlich blamiert zu haben. Für Ole übersetze ich das gern im TS, ich hoffe alle weiteren Teilnehmer der DoP kommen auch so mit. Das wichtige sind die Termine und das ist ja recht eindeutig. Aus der Erfahrung heraus möchte ich alle bitten, rechtzeitig die Qualifikation zu beginnen. Nicht das jemand verleitet wird, den Job für seinen Teamkollegen mitzumachen, o.ä.

Wenn ihr auf dem LFS Server ' #6 KY' trainiert, findet ihr auch das Layout mit dem gefahren wird. Nichts besonderes, nur eine zusätzliche 'Hervorhebung' von Boxenein- und Ausgang.
Viel Erfolg und viel Spaß bei Euren Vorbereitungen, Normann & Klaus

If you like the number plate. Not necessary but welcome
Plates für die Tour (first post)

We work hard, IP TV may be possible! Keep yourself informed
Overview for more information: ... page=Board&boardID=87
Overview standings, qualify and race tracker: ... .php?navigation=dop_teams
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Some more questions:

1) Is there any maximum distance limit for a driver? Can you drive as much as you want during the race?
2) I am not really sure to understand the scoring board(clicky), basically the 1st of his class in the 12 hours race gets 180 points, and 240 points in the 24 hours race?
3) Do you have to finish the race to get points?
4) Is there a minimum distance limit(like XX% of the class winner's distance) you have to reach to be eligible for points?
5) Is shift+P allowed?(for example if you get rolled/stuck)
6) If less than 32 teams are signed-up but if one specific class is full(which is the current situation with the GTR class), will you allow more teams to join this class?
7) What is a "wildcard" team?

That's about all I think. Thanks for your time

-> 1. no limits while race, but driver change is required to get serious and the respect by teams and DoP participants.
-> 2. Yes, i think you are right. I lost the row for the LRF Class. Sorry for that, I try to update the scoring board asap
-> 3. Yes. Teams have to finish, cross the line to get points. Race stoppage only by hard rain or server crash.
-> 4. is -> 3
-> 5. shift + p is allowed in order to a penalty = -1 lap
-> 6. We will 'clear' the one-man-teams signed in. So, there could be a chance for an additionally GTR or N-GTR Team, but we also all like to see more competitive LRF-Teams. There is enough space, too.
-> 7. Wildcard Team? A random cart Team or may be, it is the guaranteed starting permission for Teams like 'Golden Ayer' or the defending champion 'evO>>Racing'.

At last: The spirit of the DoP is not to have a strong amount of policies and a big rulebook. We have had two great seasons with less regulations. This is our unique characteristic, but: Our participants and DoP friends have to respect our decisions, full - no ifs, no buts. Last but not least: We respect all other racing series, leguaes and endurance seasons which are different from this!

I got it all? hope so. Please feel free if not.

Last famous words:
I did not really realize (my bad) your hint to 'DTR is down', but in a simple phrase - The DoP starts even KlausAdam and I, and you and so many Teams so far wanna start with us. And, yes if the grid grow up esp to the 24h race, we could manage a second grid, so the 3rd time in a row: Welcome and Keep Racing to the special endurance show DoP 2011!
S3 licensed
State of sign-in - here: ... .php?navigation=dop_teams

Great! DoP 2011 - may be your chance to start. We will have one grid, and there's space for one or two more teams. Please, more competitive teams could join the LRF-Class
S3 licensed
Quote from prOmo_LTU :Few questions:
1. Driver limit per car?
2. Sign-up deadline?


max is six drivers per car
start qualifying is deadline for sign-in

S3 licensed
Quote from nikosk31 :

edit: HRteam just like last year offers an practise server if you like to join.
Server name: HRteam OS 2

Nice, thx for this support!
May be, we 'll have Live Stream for the 24h Race.
S3 licensed
Sign In is open and some Teams signed in, already. So we say, welcome to the DoP Tour 2011

Teams, times, laps, qualify and standigs are here: ... .php?navigation=dop_teams

For any any questions feel free here or in our forum: ... page=Board&boardID=87