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S3 licensed
Well I'm happy for him. He's devoted his life to something he loves and not a lot of people can do that

At least he's trying someone competitive again. I thought he may have returned to F1 just as Niki Lauda did many years ago. Time will tell although he is still Ferrari's Third Driver
S3 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :If you look in his camping suplies thread he is targeting me there and telling me i should have been banned and not to post in his threads again so if that isn't bullying i don't know what is.

And if he didn't care about russian jokes he is obiously racist towards them.

Well i can't read every single post posted in this forum.

He cares about racism Full Stop! He probably missed out the post its not impossible.
S3 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :if he only cared about my joke then he is obiously racist towards russians if he didn't report your post. So he targeting me because i am younger than him.

Explain to me exactly how that makes him racist towards Russians? He doesn't target you specifically he was merely using you as an example!
S3 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :lol. how do you report posts?

At the top of the post, There's a warning sign with an I in it
S3 licensed
Quote from LiveForBoobs :It's Scavier. Thats why they take so long to make LFS.

Nice Is it released for public use? If so where can i buy it at?
S3 licensed
The Istanbul track looks to flat there. If you watched the F1 at the weekend and watched that you will notice a dramatic difference.
S3 licensed
He is going through a difficult time. He probably meant may.

My Condolences To The Family R.I.P
S3 licensed
Looks good i will probably tempted to buy one. If there not too expensive . When you get a prototype you defiantly 100% have to show us

Maybe you could get a few buttons on it some where like the G25 Shifter

Overall i like your design would be better if it was a bit bigger but i realise you don't want people to copy your work.
S3 licensed
Maybe you could take a screenshot of the Logitech Profiler so we could have a look at your settings?
S3 licensed
That's nice Too bad they ain't for sale on the open market. I wonder who makes the game??
S3 licensed
Quote from frokki :wouldn't xp be better system for gaming than vista?

Yes it would no doubt be better but he probably doesn't have Windows XP and doesn't want to go and pay for it?
S3 licensed
Good luck if it is It will probably lag your connection and the servers. Any chance you could do a Speedtest and show us what your speeds are?
S3 licensed
Quote from ThaBobsta :Cardboard boxes are warm an fuzzy, believe me.

If I had $50 CAD to convert to euros and a paypal I would buy this game, but I cant. No paypal -> no credit card

Why don't you come to an arrangement with one of your mates. Like give them the money and they use there paypal to buy you and S2 account?
S3 licensed
Quote from kiss me :
the new c is reiable, and only goes down of power goes down in my home.
it has a broadband connection and is on 24/7

Are you going to host them LFS servers from your house?
S3 licensed
Quote from jonny__27 :are you talking about the samsung u600? my sister has one and she hates it. the top buttons are so sensitive that the phone starts calling someone and you won't notice it. and you have to do so many things to cancel the call...
these new phones have all stupid layouts. very nice features but almost unusable. do you remember the great times of the nokia 3310? well i think i must stay happy with my Sharp GX17.

Now now not all "new phones" have stupid layouts. I had a Samsung E900 very good phone. But sadly i managed to break the screen . I now have the Sony Erickson K800i and i must say it is very good
S3 licensed
Quote from sun :i've just started you idiot

I'll let you know I'm not an idiot. So please don't call me one.

Also when did you start? Like 5 Minutes ago?

I think this topic needs Closed as it has been answered fully.
S3 licensed
Owen grow up you banned me for taking advantage of the !pay -10000 command and blame it on me for crashing your insim. I did not crash your insim fix the !pay - command.

Here's a suggestion code your own insim application then it might not crash. It doesn't take that long to start learning VB, PHP, C# ETC. Just go onto google and search for Programming Tutorials.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :I mean *Cough* yea.... what he said...

Haha you cheat :P
S3 licensed
I'm sure the Carphone warehouse does a 1 Year Warranty with all new phones. No harm in trying. Take the receipt, box, phone etc.. to the shop and they may exchange it or give you a full refund.
S3 licensed
Where do you get all this information from? I think everyone would love to know

LX8 has already been in LFS i doubt they would want to put it back in
S3 licensed
Very nice

I need to get better with my G25 for racing Cruising is fine but i suck at racing
S3 licensed
I just don't understand why people need to start a flame war with everything. Everything used to be civilized. But looking at the above posts everyone seems to show there maturity

Thanks for the update Kram, I was wondering what happened
S3 licensed
Count me In

S2 Username: Wild
S3 licensed
Looks pretty Nifty Scawen Shall be nice to use

Thank You
S3 licensed
I will not be making you an insim, Although I'm just making an enquiry how much would you be paying someone to make you an insim?