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S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Race O7
S3 licensed
Hello, everybody seems to forget something.....
Did you imagine how much money Scavier will earn when the S3 will be released? How many players will buy the S3? I will, and all the forum too.
SO bussness is bussness so there are no questions to ask, Scavier is working on S3 because money is a motivation, even if its not the only one, this is a BIG motivation. And i agree with them, they worked on this game since 10 years, so it s logic that now, they win money. So for me, S3 wll be released in a short time. Because its too much important...
Well that s just my advice ^^
I dont remember to see that point on the forum... so.
S3 licensed
If I had a race on that combo, I will take FXO so far...
S3 licensed
Quote from SilvR :Hello victor Can you added a sub forum for LFS France International championship,

Series Name: LFS France International championship
Website: ... onal-lfs-franc_videogames


Any news about that victor?
Thx in advance.
Lfsfrance IC 09
S3 licensed

Hello to all,
Lfs France is proud to present you a TBO league.
6 tracks, 3 cars, one race per month.
All details here :

We are waiting for a subforum.
First race is 21 january.
Last edited by Worm, .
S3 licensed
IMO, I m totally against that idea.
Making setup on road car is as fun as driving it.
A lot of driver love make setup and drive on the set they created.
Making setup is a part of LFS and that why I like this game.
Scirocco is and must stay an exception, that s it.
S3 licensed
lol Yea that s true I m not a big fan of GTR.....
I always have some problems to make a good setup.
But at least sometimes, I try. But as you can see, my time is.. well...

Thx all for your friendly comments.

And just to be concise, we never asked to dennis to leave Xfusion for RENESIS. He asked himself to join us because he is a freind of ®Ricou.
Besides I know nothing about the old team of Dennis and how many team He joined. He just aksed us to join RENESIS and we said : ok, why not, lets go for a no french driver.

So all my appollogies to Xfusion.
Last edited by Worm, . Reason : spelling
S3 licensed
Well 3 years after, what did it change...?

Since this week, Team RENESIS is now international. What does it mean?
Well, When RENESIS was created we wanted to have only french guys in it. To keep the fun between the racers. But a member of RENESIS named ®Ricou has met a dannish racer Lindsay (Dennis). He s not the faster racer of the world but he s very nice, cool, fair and we like it. So we have decided to become an international team. ( we just need to imporve our english but it s already good and enough to play and have fun with english driver ).

So ®Lindsay is now a RENESIS member. So now, there is not only french drivers in the team. Maybe you think it s not a big news or a big change, but for us, it is.

So we are now open to all driver of the world who knows us ( the team ) and who would like to become a ®. Of course we r asking for pro driver and if you know me ( Worm ), ®Dav( crazydav), Alex, Ricou etc... and the other RENESIS driver, you can try to be in.

We dont want to be a big team or one of the best team, we r just looking for fun with friends all around the world.

Here our website :

Thx for reading and see you soon
S3 licensed
When you know which split you are going to do before to see it on the screen. Once can be a part of luck, but if you guess your split at each time, you r not addicted, you r just possessed.
S3 licensed
Quote from RocksGt :he'd demonstrated he can beat WR's using AC

Well, there is no sense in that sentence coz currently there are some WR than you can beat in one lap....
The good experience will be to show to arreche on a track where he has made a really good time with AC than it s possible to do better than him with the macro.
S3 licensed
Sorry for the late anwser but i can not be in this race for some personnal reasons.
S3 licensed
well 2.06.30 on AS3 RB4 I let a message at the end of the replay.
S3 licensed
wow lol nearly 15 000 POST jakg !!!
Gratz ^^
S3 licensed
I tried this scripts on AS3 RB4, and i beat my WR.
2.06.37 instead of 2.06.45
And 2.06.35 is possible of course.
For me, you can win easily 0.1 on this combo if you use manual clutch.
And like someone said, the last tenth are the harder to earn...
So use the manual clutch srcipt to do it is unfair for me.
Because it very hard to do 2.06.37 without this script, the lap of my dream was 2.06.39 with auto clutch.....
And i noticed something else. The car has more control in the enter of corner, and more stable at braking.
So when i see that pecholobo beat my wr at FE2 FXO by only O.O1 with this script, this is a good reason to be desapointed.
And, i m sure the RB4 is not the best car to test this script, i m sure this script works better with other car like UFR for example.
Well that was my report, in live from lfsworld ^^
You can check the replay if you want, i will let it on lfsworld for a few days.
S3 licensed
ok, i will do it with the RB4 on aston antional.
Maybe not today but during the week.
S3 licensed
Quote from anibarro :Just take a look: ... f2=csimpok_FE2_FXO_117150
You lose almost all of the time on the chicane of last sector, where there is no gear change.

What is the point with my post?
And if you read my post correctlyi didnt say that about the last sector
You know, i was just giving my opinion, if you want i can jsut use this script and you will see the difference. And maybe you will undesrtand.

ANd we are just talking. Everybody knows that you are good driver and pecholobo too, that s why we dont understand why you use this script.
S3 licensed
Hello drivers,

IMO, this script is a real shit(and cheat)... and there is no reason to use it.
When pecholobo beat my wr on fe2/FXO ( i did 1.16.97) with this script i was so desapointed because my lap was good ( ok except maybe the last sector ). Now, the best way is to beat these people who use this script. Just maybe to open the mind of these guys...
This script remind me the button clutch in the old version of LFS.... It was not really a cheat, but everbody knows that it so bad to use it. If you want to be respected dont use it and that s all. If you want to be cheater and not considered as a driver, so use it.
S3 licensed
Some good things in this video.
Keep going dude
S3 licensed
lol yea sry but,
My login is worm, my name is worm, my lfsusername is worm, my online name is worm.
S3 licensed
Nice Idea, I m in too
S3 licensed
Ok ! Thanks you
S3 licensed
ok ! Thanks a lot for fast answer, i think i still have this Hotlap on my computer, if not, i will let you know.
EDIT : Ok so if you have some doubts, i will make another hotlap, no problems. That was not the lap of my life so....
I will do better.
Thx again.
S3 licensed
ok, but i didnt see any walls in KY2, maybe in the last corner, i dont remember if i hit it. Anyway, good job victor for wall improvement.
Strange account - WR's deleted? [explained]
S3 licensed
Hello, someone has deleted 2 WR on my account on LFSWORLD.
SO classic FXO and KY2 RB4
I m sure i didnt delete these WR. Even if i was drunk.....
I just want to know if its possible to change the password on lfsworld?
Last edited by Worm, .