We want to do a Simple Race event, no liga, not public... For the Event the drivers can apply via server, the dont have to go to forum and register to applicate for the event... and so things So nothing like CTRA or somethin
Team Name: race Junkies Car: FZR Team Manager: XmaX Team Co-Manager: Lisnu Drivers:
M.Tarnawski [XmaX] DEU
D.Knodel [Lisnu] DEU
M.Jehnichen [Maxi-King] DEU
F.Hermes [flocke22] DEU
All things like SQL, FTP... avialable I looking for PHP too, because i think in C# it will be very hard and for PHP its easier to find someone who can help me with, example here in forums
The thing is we want that the drivers can applicate directy via server, its the main thing...
Our team want to a event. We want connect the insim with our page.
People can applicate on the server for the event and the applications will be send to an admin via email, when he accept, the racer get into the list. The admin can manually add people to the list, too.
When some1 applicate example on forums and it will be accepted via email he get into list too.
This information should be in:
and some other...
When some1 can do that please contact me here. I can pay a bit for that too