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I've recently come back to lfs, after years of playing once a month on the mouse, now i finaly have a wheel, yay! Started off with an all time classic XFG, and then moved to TBO and LX6 after I got my silver on CTRA. And what can I say, LX6 is a beast and i love it!

One question though. Im using a g25 with 720* of lock, and I got a bit of a problem when it comes to correcting big slides (i.e. the ones that require you to change hands on the wheel). After the countersteer maneuver, I find that I very often cannot turn the wheel back to central position fast enough to prevent the car from slingshotting into the other direction.
I can do it alright with other heavier rwd, but damn LX6 is so light and twitchy, it just swings it rear to the opposite side.

What's my problem? Do I just need to learn to turn the wheel quickly and with better timing? or maybe decrease the steering lock (not the one in the car, but the one on the wheel?)
Last edited by xtm, .
S2 licensed
Well, from my perspective, I've played LFS since 2003, but never seriously, partly because it was on the mouse. I got my wheel this January, and let me tell you - it's a totally different expirience. The game just feels so much more enjoyable, especially as you get to the more powerful RWD cars. Im currently in love with LX6, it's a beast!

I do agree that wheel takes space (i move mine out the way when i'm not using it, it takes literally 2 minutes to hook it back up), there are cables all around, hell, you even end up making a lot of noise using it, in the heat of the battle: my flatmate from the room below me complains if I race after 23.00

But it's not about the advantage of the wheel to your laptimes, but the overall different feeling of the game. So if you have the money to buy a descent wheel (or if you own one already) and a table to stick it to, do it It's like buying a new game!
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Its not i don't think its safe, id have to borrow my dads credit card, but don't really want to do that. If i can't find one for £150 in store then ill get 1 from amazon but they also have none in stock.

Try, good prices, quick delivery (UK). Got quite a lot of computer stuff from them..
S2 licensed
Im sorry, but what is a fender rub? Is this something to do with the sidewall of a tyre?
+1 sparks tho
S2 licensed
I find that strange as well. After 1-2weeks of getting used to driving with a wheel, you should be loving it. Just don't be put off by your slow laptimes, it all pays off in the end. I've never heard of people driving a mouse because it's "easier" to drive.

On the topic though, I don't think it would be that great, you are better off modulating the throttle with the good old "quickly mash the button" technique.
S2 licensed
This feature needs to have some limitations though, allowing the users to select their own braking power/balance. Because mouse/kb users are unable to gradually apply braking power, unlike their wheel competitors.

This is the only one i can think of the top of my head. Maybe the ability to change steering lock as well.
S2 licensed
Quote from Adam2k8 :I'm new to this forum, never played Live for Speed
But heres a logo:

i have the psd if it need to be altered

I like it, looks good and goes in line with the LFS-logo. Maybe rework the tyre pattern, its a bit too dark?
And btw, what's the font called?
S2 licensed
As said above, any kind of global approval team will discourage people from working on making new tracks: it takes time, effort and you don't want to waste it all if the "approval team" doesn't like your track.

I believe every server should be able to choose their own tracks, and if you are missing one, it automatically downloads it as you connect (like downloading missing maps in quake or CS). The more respectable servers like CTRA, CD are obviously gonna take the selection process seriously and you are not likely to see any crap maps there.
Again, there is no need for the approval/censoring team, the natural selection will do its job, the good maps will be well known, the crap ones will enjoy minutes of fame on private servers
S2 licensed
Quote from Ikaponthus :Am I reading that right!?


I don't know how that is even possible!! I will check it out when I get back. Unbelievable.

Don't let it get you down. These guys spend hours and days, perfecting 1track/1car combos. Also, I would not recommend using hotlap setups (such as from inferno website), because they are tweaked to the limit. They are fast, but incredibly hard to drive. As a begginer (i'm in the same boat with you), you will be faster (and learn quicker) with a descent, easy-to-drive setup, just ask some people online, usually they are more than willing to share.

Another problem with these setups is that they usually last only a couple of laps, and you don't want that. The goal at the moment is getting the feel of the game, becoming consistent with controls, resulting in consistent laptimes. And you can't be consistent if you only have 2 laps of driving, and then your tyres are red

Just keep practicing, you will see your laptimes drop really soon
S2 licensed
If photoshop is not an option, I would suggest getting Paint.NET
from, its a free software, not as advanced as PS, but you will notice a biiiig increase in skin quality

As for the skin, i have not seen it on a car, but it looks a bit rough, especially the part where you tried to paint around the letters and logos. Keep practicing tho, give that program a try, and you will get much better really soon
S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :I believe you fully deserve to have a new anus installed by an experienced renovator like Ian H.


I think he OP might have gotten it a bit too harsh, but he deserves it. Although I have my doubts that any lesson will be learned.

What I don't share with some of you, is that boiling hate for the "sliding boys". They practice just as hard and enjoy the game just as much. There are crap drifters and there are impressively skilled ones, just as you would find in circuit racing. If it floats their boat, why should it do the same to yours? I believe, having a diversity of communities, that all enjoy the same game from different perspectives is a great idea.

If you don't like drifting, why bash it like there is no tomorrow? Just don't go to their servers and forums, as simple as that. And if someone (like our OP) posts some really stupid suggestions, why not just redirect him to the post, where it has already been discussed.

Btw, Ian H., telling an idiot that he's an idiot, does not achieve anything, he will still remain one. I don't see the point, unless it gives you some sort of wicked satisfaction.
G25 annoying problem
S2 licensed
Hi everyone, I've tried searching the forums and I don't think this has been posted before.

I play on a laptop with XP sp2. I don't have a big table, so when I am not using the wheel, I usually disconnect the power cord from it, and just move the wheel to the side of the table (but leave all the other cords in, including the usb). The problem is when sometimes you connect it back to the power cord, the wheel resets itself to 180* maximum lock.

Trying to resolve the problem in the control panel doesnt work, all you get is the screen attached below; and whatever the value you put into Rotation slider, it always resets back to 0 after you click OK.
Rebooting doesn't help either.

The only way I figured was uninstalling/reinstalling drivers. Happened to me about 2-3 times now in the past month.

BTW, I never usually switch off my laptop, just put it into sleep mode (if that makes any difference).

Has anyone had anything similar to that? Any suggestions?
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I sure do like my physics
It's all I really need
It's all I want to see inside
Our lovely Live For Speed

The games that have crap physics
I really cannot take
Compared to Scavier's hard work
They all feel really fake

So let this be a lesson
To all the devs out there
Make your physics awesome
Or I won't f*cking care

Bravo! this is brilliant, you've got talent
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Physics man, physics man
Doing the things that physics can
What's he like? It's not important.
Physics man

Ballad of the Physics Man on the way?
S2 licensed
To the topic author: Please use some punctuation, I had to read the post 3 times to somehow understand the idea.

I like the suggestion though: being able to select a person from the Connection List and see their car highlighted on the map would be great Big grin Or the other way around, selecting someone on the map and having some information about them, such as fastest lap etc.

Also, when you are Tab-scrolling through other's cars, is there a hotkey to go back straight to your own car? If not, it needs to be implemented! Big grin

Btw, is it just me, or do a lot of native English speakers have much worse written English compared to many foreigners on these forums? Smile Because as soon as I see a post written without a single comma, all in lower case, lots of u's, it's bound to be from a native speaker. No offence meant though, don't take it too seriously Big grin
Last edited by xtm, .
S2 licensed
Wow, mega-respect on the song, super well done, this sounds more like a proper song that you would find on a CD, rather than a lfs-gig. Well done!
S2 licensed
Thank you all for the positive feedback
S2 licensed
Program website doesnt seem to work, whats up?

I was going to download an update, love the program though, brilliant work!
S2 licensed
Quote from frokki :OT: Just for instance, it's preferable to attach replay and setup files at this forum itself, since we have the chance.

If the files are just scattered around the internet, they have probably been disappeared year after.

I think the whole point of the post is recording replays in Default/Race_S setups, which everyone should have anyway
S2 licensed
Hehe, that looks like fun, I wonder what happens when the car rolls over
Have no idea what could be causing tho, never happened to me yet.
S2 licensed
Well I've been playing with the mouse/kb for about 2-3 years as well, although not very regularly. I got back into lfs a month ago after I got myself a wheel.

I completely understand your troubles, its hard to drive a powerful RWD car without being able to control the throttle precisely. But with slower RWD and pretty much all FWD cars, you should not be in too much trouble. Check out the Hotlapping section in LFS-World, a lot of WR's on XFG or XRG,XRT are done with mouse/kb. On the other hand, you never see these people setting WR's in GTR cars.

The question to you though, is why do you not use mouse steering? Do you use a computer that has no mouse? (do these even exist?)
I'm sure you will be much quicker with mouse steering, + you can correct oversteer much more precisely.
S2 licensed
Well, this is my second skin, my attempt at replicating the classic. Nothing special, clean and simple.

Tell me what you think

S2 licensed
Totally agreed, I would love to see some more detailed stats of my performance after the race, like a debriefing type of thing. One other thing missing is the sector times (i.e. split2 minus split1), they are a good indicator. Also, maybe a speedtrap which will capture your max speed at the end of the straight or at the finish line.

my $0.02
S2 licensed
Quote from Stang70Fastback :I've never had that issue in LFS. As long as you are just a BIT easy on letting in the clutch, I've never had issues with locking the wheels. I don't even match the gears. I know that's bad, but I'm not overheating the clutch, so I guess its okay, lol. All it does it make the rear end a bit squirmy, but it really helps with the braking.

Maybe, i will give it a try By the way, my perspective is lower-range tintop cars, where the breaking distance is significantly longer than say FBW.. Sou you virtually always have enough time to downshift through all gears.
S2 licensed
Well, I've tried doing both, but I find skipping gears much harder, because you have to be extremely precise with RPM matching, otherwise you are going to lock the driven wheels. So whatever works best for you

As for me, i'm far from being a pro, I myselft started heel-n-toeing only a short while ago, but it has its benefits. Also, you can first practise it without actually braking. Go to ky-oval, and drive at some constant speed, and try to shift up and down without jerking the car. F button hels a lot Say @80 km/h you should be shifting between 2nd and 3rd.