I saw someone doing reverse wheelies in a UFR but he was too much of a cock to let me try it. Does anyone have a set for this or any idea how I could acheive this? Ive been trying for days and im stumped illepall
where exactly did I say I "meant" to do anything?
And now it is obvious that you are just attempting to piss me off seeing as you just pulled "Mad TIzITe" out of thin air.
Ill have you know that I knew how to resize and upload skins by my 5th post.
I would attempt to come up with some clever retort but seeing as im a 12 year old jackass who doesn't know anything you would obviously come up with something that would totally devastate me. Thanks to Gunn and W1LLSD4D for actually being useful.
Im sorry but I forgot to put the skin in my previous post and I thought he meant dont post it because apparently you have another route to go. When Tweaker said START with CMX veiwer I took it to mean I could start with a blank skin on CMX and edit it. Im sorry for being such a hopless failure at life and waste of forum space, Operator, but mistakes happen.