EQ Worry,
first, let me thank you for all the work you do for the LFS cummunity...
I use your great add on for my servers and like to test it.
Not that they are really used (my servers), but anything new for LFS is fun to have and test.
One thing I wander if you will implement one day is a way to update more easily from one version to another, like passing from version 2.3.3 to 2.3.4 by a simple click over a nice GUI.
I found some tools like Beyond compare to help me put my server configs from old to new files everytime I update AIRIO but even with that it's hard and long to proceed... before I found those tool it was taking me hours to do an update.
So I wander if it's really hard for you (or somebody else who would like to help) to make this kind of change...
Some kind of GUI that download the new files when we press the update buton, our old files data is automaticly transfered in new files then a text editor (kind of) open and show in color the new features where we may add some informations. like for the new parameters comming in 2.3.4
Yea, I'm dreaming.. but this is kind of stuff that could make huge difference for all the one that are code-writing disfonctionals.
We would also probably see more FULL servers online as for now lots of the guys with $$$ just dont know how to make your great stuff work altogether.
And while I'm dreaming about improvements, what about having that GUI starting the dedicated servers !?!

Something a bit like the good DediGUI New Generation of Holger Reitner was before it came obsolete with LFS Z_patch (FBM sadly not included in the GUI choices).
One single GUI for everything... Haaaaaa, the sky is so blue in my world ! hehehe
BTW, is donation cumulative for your soft ?

I mean, if I give a total of 50 Euro over 2 or 3 donation, do I get a full licence when 50 is reached ? Because for now i'm not sure my GF will approve a one shot FULL donation for a server that only have one or two unknowns visitors a day !!!
Keep up the good work and OF COURSE, I'd like more to get server improvement over a GUI, but if you ever run short on ideas... that might be something to spend free time on.
Zalex, proud owner of two AIRIO test servers (RS1 Demo and RS2 Race).