some form of v8 supercar- big 5.0L NA V8 engine, in a heavy 4 door design... a nice complement to the FXR and XRR
drag racing would be awesome, but restrictions would need to be in place to prevent a top fuel dragster entering westhill...
oh and i like the pedal car idea.
shortcuts on dirt tracks/through corn fields/unused buildings
oversized novelty animals driving the cars on the roof
high wind? try hurricane force wind
knight rider style turbo boost/ski mode
my tires used to blow on the same corner on the same lap of every race at AS national, but now i brake sooner, use less engine braking, and take a bit more control into the corner to avoid tire squealing
as a relitive racing newbie, i'd like to see some racing technique tips on the wiki
like, i'd always been shifting on the light, but i've been told that that's a no-no. tips like that which shave a second off a lap are very helpful