i just playing with it and maybe im gonna add some cars moving using insim.
Rendering it isnt hard as soon as u see what the "vertex A, B and C" is, in each object u get an array of points.. Vertex A, B and C has the index for what point to be used.. if A = 10.. u get the point(10) and so on.. and the radius.
When adding Vertices to directX each vertices takes a value X,Y,Z,Rhw Rhw means Radius, height, width.. if u dont know what vertices is take a look at msdn and search for CustomVertex.TransformedColored. i didnt use the center x,y,z from the object in my app but i dont think it matters as it draws just fine
Oh and thx for the info on making x or y negative.. so all X that is negative i make positive and vice versa.. ill try it out later today i was worried that i used the wrong type when i converted it from byte and maybe that made the number negative instead of positive. im using the type int32 (32 bit signed integer) or maybe the bytes are in 'big indian'.
If u draw all the points using x and y.. (only points no triangles) and i switch X with y and y with x its not mirrored anymore.. also i had some trouble after converting the colors stored as 4 bytes.. specs say that its stored as ARGB i had to change it to RGBA maybe its just the doc that is wrong
Oh and if i got something wrong here plz correct me.. im not an expert im just a beginner when it comes to directX and triangles :P
Last edited by SamH, .
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The connection between the ABC and the points helped me alot lol.. was confused for a while.. anyways.. it draws the track just fine exept that it is in mirror mode switching x with y didnt help much either as the triangles would be drawn.. is it me or is it suposed to be like this ?