Can I make a request (to the Dev's), that when you patch a game up, please do not include files that we would already have, such as the Steering Wheels used, headlights, custom tyre skins, etc, unless anything regarding these items have changed. I unpacked the installation, expecting it to only add the Scirocco to the LFS viewer, only to find that
all of my textures relating to cars had been replaced by the bog standard ones.
Now maybe it's my fault, for blindly clicking "yes to all", but I didn't expect, what is basicaly a patch adding the Scirocco to the viewer and a skin, to over-write all of my hi-res addons. I mean, this 'patch' added a few things for the Scirocco, yet it somehow feels the need to overwrite the dds files for the all the cars. Maybe just something you could work on in the future? But I'll be backing up my .dds file every time a new patch comes out now :hide:
Don't take this the wrong way, btw. I, for one, appreciate this pre-patch alot