The online racing simulator
internet uploaded skins HERE
(24 posts, closed, started )
internet uploaded skins HERE
post skin if you are uploaded at lfs world
somw one upload these?
Can Some One Upload These?

THes uploaded al ready??
Attached images
Why do you need them uploaded in LFSW ? other people wont see your skins unless you are plaing in S2 servers some how
that are be now uploaded i use at demo servers
Quote from VyCkA-[WRX] :...other people wont see your skins unless you are plaing in S2 servers some how

Demo racers can also download skins.
But I think they download only skins from S2 racers on the server.
Aren`t some of those skins uploaded already? I would have thought GloryJ or Schuppor would have had their skins uploaded already unless they`ve run out of room.
Quote from unseen :Aren`t some of those skins uploaded already? I would have thought GloryJ or Schuppor would have had their skins uploaded already unless they`ve run out of room.

hi could u plz upload these skins?
they're not mine but plz don't consider it as stealing coz i just changed the name of these skins and i didn't edit em
and i still have the original ones
i just forgot who made them
Attached images
You only can download skins from when you are a S2 licensed user.
Quote from Anathema :You only can download skins from when you are a S2 licensed user.

I think that DEMO racers can download too.
Quote from Anathema :You only can download skins from when you are a S2 licensed user.

yes u can download even if u're a demo user i always download skins from lfsworld
so plz upload the skins thnx
for others to see your skin, you have to buy either a S1 or S2 license und upload them to

It's just another incentive to buy LfS for your skins to be seen, so IMHO hosting skins for demo users is defeating the point of them being able to see them.
lol how many times ima tell u??
u can download skins from lfsworld with a demo license
so plz man just upload the skins
i've been waitin for almost a week man
i'm gettin mad sry
i hope one of the updates in s3 is letting demo racers to upload skins so there won't be any
discrimination with demo,s1,and s2 users
or maybe u haven't been a demo racer in patch z so u don't know?
Oh please shut your mouth for a few posts!!!
Quote from engot7777777 :lol how many times ima tell u??
u can download skins from lfsworld with a demo license
so plz man just upload the skins
i've been waitin for almost a week man
i'm gettin mad sry

You're not the only one in this thread. Get mad over not buying s2. Nobody owes you anything to upload your skins.

Quote from engot7777777 :i hope one of the updates in s3 is letting demo racers to upload skins so there won't be any
discrimination with demo,s1,and s2 users

Limiting features is not discrimination, it's incentive. Please, I beg you, sue the dev team for discrimination.

Quote from engot7777777 :or maybe u haven't been a demo racer in patch z so u don't know?

What's in this thread that demo racers know but s2 racers don't? Even licensed racers can read patch notes, btw.
Quote from engot7777777 :i hope one of the updates in s3 is letting demo racers to upload skins so there won't be any
discrimination with demo,s1,and s2 users

Im sure that Demoers will have limited options in LFS future like nowadays. So
it will be like now, no skins hosting for demoers, just buy the game -.-
#20 - Gunn
What's being achieved in this thread? Are we seeing other people's skins renamed and requests made for them to be uploaded to LFS World?

If so, that's really poor form.

If not, please correct me by providing a logical explanation as to what is actually going on here.

Demo racers want everyone to see their skin, now that the skin download works for them too. They can't upload skins to LFSW, so they get licensed racers to do this for them.
#22 - Gunn
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Demo racers want everyone to see their skin, now that the skin download works for them too. They can't upload skins to LFSW, so they get licensed racers to do this for them.

But they are someone else's skins and they no longer have their original file names?
By default, no, the skins would be the demo users' own. There's no point in uploading an existing file with another name since it's already there, and all demo racers would see it anyway.

edit: basically, it boils down to whether a licensed player is willing to use their upload slot for a demo user's skin.
#24 - Gunn
Quote from NotAnIllusion :
edit: basically, it boils down to whether a licensed player is willing to use their upload slot for a demo user's skin.

In this case though it seems like a demo racer is asking for other people's skins to be uploaded. The skin makers apparently have not been consulted at all. Unacceptable.

End of thread.
This thread is closed

internet uploaded skins HERE
(24 posts, closed, started )