Poll : Would you buy such a system ?

Depends on the price.
I'm not interested
Yes, instantly !
I have other priorities than a racing sim hardware
Other : (please specify in your post)
Would you buy a force feedback brake system ?
So here is a little poll.

If there was a realistic force feedback brake pedal that was launched on the market, was very realistic (the faster you go, the harder it is to apply the same force), and that if LFS or any other program could calculate the brake force depending on the output of the brake pedal, would you buy it?
Please tick one of the answer in the poll and if you chose other, please specify in the post

Alternative question : What would you think would be a good price range, paralleling its efficiency and quality to a G25 ? (Assuming that the price would be for a set of three pedals : Clutch, brake and acceleretor).
An FFB brake pedal would only realy do one thing, pulse when ABS kicks in.

Other than that you can get an extreemly realistic brake pedal using a load cell and a very heavy spring.
Quote from DragonCommando :An FFB brake pedal would only realy do one thing, pulse when ABS kicks in.

Other than that you can get an extreemly realistic brake pedal using a load cell and a very heavy spring.

Thanks for answering Dragon Commando

Well what I meant by a FFB pedal was a pedal that, apart from simulating that the more you push, the harder you have to push to go further (which can be done as you said with a rubber pad and an heavy spring), would also simulate the friction between the pad and the rotors depending on the tires angular speed.
So the faster you go, the more resistance there is, so to brake with a same strength, you'd have to push harder on your controller's pedal. And that you can not acheive yet in any controller.

Does that make sense ?
you don't need force feedback to do that

in fact, force feedback is output. not input.

when the brakes need more pressure to work, it is a matter of software, not hardware.

the feel of the pedal doesn't change much, if at all.
Naah, load cell will do for me thanks :-)

The brake strength is always the same, not depeding on how fast one goes. But true, if you want to stop the car in a normal manner from 100 you press hard at first, then gently release the pedal (not for quick stops).

FFB would be funny, but not at all neccessary. I'd rather get a motion platform that acts realisticly in corners than a pedal that can show me when the abs kicks in.

Also in todays cars you can't feel any rotors touching anything, this is nonsense. You have a dozen hydraulic/electric thingies between your foot and the pads. You can easily control it, but you only feel G's, not metal :-)
In my old Mini I was able to feel some btw, no servo brakes, just 1 master cylinder and the brakes themselves. Compared to todays cars you had to usse a massive amount of force to actually brake, but the feel was nice!

Quote :
Alternative question : What would you think would be a good price range, paralleling its efficiency and quality to a G25 ? (Assuming that the price would be for a set of three pedals : Clutch, brake and acceleretor).

Sorry what?

If a brake pedal would be as efficient and the same quality than the G25 I assume it would break in the box it comes in...
Drivers don't work, you need a year to properly set it up and then the whole shifter unit dies.
If the pedals were good and sturdy I'd pay 150€ for the set. If they were massive and practically unbreakable AND of good gaming quality (no squeeking, fine adjustment, force adjustment,....) AND if the brake depends on FORCE, not WAY, then you might want more than 300€ for a set.


der butz
Quote from der butz :

If a brake pedal would be as efficient and the same quality than the G25 I assume it would break in the box it comes in...

Thrashmaster fanboy alert. :|

on topic: yes, I would buy it, If I had money I could not spend in a better way.
It's even more fun to say this to my team mates in vent :-) Almost everyone at CR has got the G25!!! Whenever someone of them has a prob with his wheel I go all Hammond about it: "What? your wheel doesn't work?...oh a G25 you say.... you're screwed, bye!"

Also funny that some people really work it without the clutch, without the shifter (so flappy paddles) and at 40° steering lock (or whatever is the least you can get ask Reint... erm some anonymous guy about his settings), so those would have been better off with an old microsoft wheel (which is BRILLIANT!!!).

Nah, you always should go with whatever makes you happy really!


der butz
Buuuuutz, go back cleaning your house!

Kidding...not. Well yes, aside from the reverse gear on the shifter G25 is good quality. I would rate the pedals very high, well, they just feel they will last, unlike the plastic stuff you get with Momo Racing or other Logitech wheels.

So, I wouldn't really be that excited with FF pedals if they didn't provide anything but ABS information, which I will not have any use anyway.
Quote from Zen321 :Thanks for answering Dragon Commando

Well what I meant by a FFB pedal was a pedal that, apart from simulating that the more you push, the harder you have to push to go further (which can be done as you said with a rubber pad and an heavy spring), would also simulate the friction between the pad and the rotors depending on the tires angular speed.
So the faster you go, the more resistance there is, so to brake with a same strength, you'd have to push harder on your controller's pedal. And that you can not acheive yet in any controller.

Does that make sense ?

A Load Cell is not rubber. Though rubber damper would be needed in the assembly for it to work well. It is basically the electronic device that are used in digital scales. If measures force or pressure. So the harder you push the harder you brake. Very smooth braking.


This one is supposed to do sort of what you are talking about. It has a load cell as well as feedback actuator. However, with out some very tricky programming I am not sure LFS will be able to correctly output the information needed to allow the feedback to work as accuratly as it could. Mind you not realistic feeback, but feedback none the less.

There is no point in having a FF brake, it wouldn't improve your driving one bit for a simulation... let alone if simulations output such data anyways. Good luck.
Quote :Would you buy a force feedback brake system ?

No, it's gay in my opinion.
#12 - CSU1
Quote from S14 DRIFT :No, it's gay in my opinion.

All of your opinions are gay in my opinion

I voted:

Yes! instantly!!!

Ok, I'm going to build one and sell it for 100000 € each to the 4 persons who voted "instantly".
Quote from CSU1 :All of your opinions are gay in my opinion

I voted:

Yes! instantly!!!

#15 - Riel
Quote from george_tsiros :you don't need force feedback to do that

in fact, force feedback is output. not input.

when the brakes need more pressure to work, it is a matter of software, not hardware.

the feel of the pedal doesn't change much, if at all.

Ever raced real car?
You even feel the pedal when brakes start to warm up. Overheating the fluid makes pedal really soft.
Or a feeling like stepping on a brick and still no brake power.
Would be awesomely cool, FF brakepedal.

But I think i'd destroy it
Quote from Riel :Ever raced real car?

Boy, you really don't know George, do you? Who do you think that is in his avatar? And - don't take this personally - but I dare say that he's a bit more knowledgeable about this kind of stuff than you are
I think FFB is only going to let us know if ABS is applied, that said, I still would want it. I know race cars turn off ABS, but would like to "feel" it for myself.
You could how ever set the FFB to let you know when you are in lockup, not very realistic but haveing a cue would be better than nothing (well I could be wrong but would be nice to try it).

If anything FFB motor on a shifter would be nice to let you know if you are grinding gears. wouldnt have to be very elaborate just more vibe = bad shift no vibe = good shift
#18 - Riel
Quote from obsolum :Boy, you really don't know George, do you? Who do you think that is in his avatar? And - don't take this personally - but I dare say that he's a bit more knowledgeable about this kind of stuff than you are

SOrry, i did not notice I guess his answer would be 'yes, I have driven a race car', my excuses for that.

Though, you don't know me and what I do either. I like sharing knowledge! And the discussion of change of feeling in brakepedal